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You pace back and forth in your living room while waiting for your boyfriend, Dick Grayson, to pick you up for your date. It has been a full year since you two began your relationship; after meeting four months prior at a local café in Blüdhaven, he persisted on getting your number to take you out. From his dashing looks and charismatic personality, you weren't surprised when he swept you off your feet and got you both to where you are today.

However, even though the both of you shared a healthy relationship with one another, you couldn't help but notice that your loving boyfriend was hiding a secret from you. Sure, the both of you established boundaries as to how much of your personal lives you were comfortable with confiding each other, you were dying with curiosity as to what major thing could the love of your life be hiding from you.

As the doorbell rang, you were immediately pulled out from your thoughts as you rushed to open the door.

You were met with a five-foot-ten Romanian man with a muscular build, his short black hair slicked back with gel, glistening sky-blue eyes, wearing a clean, yet casual tuxedo while holding a bouquet of bright red roses in his left hand, offering it to you as he gave you a pearly-white toothy grin.

"Hey, babe!" You greeted enthusiastically, admiring the view of the beautiful bouquet in your lover's grip.

"Happy anniversary, love." Dick replied. Passing the bundle of roses to you, the charming boyfriend leaned towards you to bend his head down slightly and kiss your forehead as you continue to cherish the fragrant flowers you were given.

"So, Master Dick," You speak, imitating Alfred's accent. "Where shall we be dining this fine night?"

"(Y/N), you'll always be cute in my eyes," Dick says as he takes back the bouquet to set it down elsewhere. "But for Pete's sake, please never use that voice again. It's weird speaking to my girlfriend as if she were my guardian for the bigger part of my childhood."

"Noted." You reply. "However, I'm still hungry and I need some food in my belly, like, yesterday."

Dick chuckles a bit at your lighthearted joke. "Alright, alright. I was initially planning to take you to Halyard Square, where we had our first date, but then Wally told me about this brand new gourmet burger joint that he took Artemis to about a week ago. He told me that you seemed pretty intrigued by the place."

You become starry-eyed at Dick's mention for your date itinerary. After Artemis talked your ear off about how great the shrimp cocktails were, nothing you ate felt appetizing enough anymore. You quickly bobbed your head up and down, approving of your boyfriend's choice of location.

Dick laughed once more at your enthusiasm and took ahold of your hand, walking yourselves out the door.


"Okay baby, I know Artemis was really passionate about those shrimp cocktails but I really think we should try..."

As your handsome boyfriend looks over the menu repeatedly, you savour a moment to gaze lovingly at Dick while reminiscing the history of your relationship together. So far, your anniversary date is doing surprisingly wonderful, but you couldn't help but to compare them to past dates as well, when they didn't exactly measure up to tonight's fesivities.

"Hey, beautiful?" Dick called out to you. It was your first date at Halyard Square; the sun was setting and you were distracted by the alluring sunset in front of you, until Dick got your attention that is. "I'm really sorry but I have to go. There's an emergency happening somewhere in town and Chief wants me to cover it since the rest of the staff are already occupied."

Dick Grayson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now