Slip of The Tongue

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"Hey, (Y/N)!" You hear your best friend, Dick Grayson, greet you through the receiver of your phone. You rolled your eyes at the typical enthusiasm in his voice.

"Hi, Dick." You replied with a warm smile. Although he wasn't there to physically see for himself, the black-haired man knew that you were just as happy to hear him as he did to you. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Well," Dick spoke, rubbing the back of his neck. "Bruce asked if I could watch over Damian for the day. You know, to show him the luxuries of being a normal kid and all that."

"Alright. This is my business, because?" You questioned in response.

"Even though I'm the closest Dami's ever going to get to a regular child, you weren't burdened with the responsibilities of a hero." He explained. Internally, you were amused by his statement.

"Fair enough. Do you want me to come over, or will you guys pick me up?"

"We'll be there in about half an hour."

After exchanging your goodbyes, you hung up on the phone and started to get ready for your outing with two of the batboys.

Meanwhile, as soon as the call ended on Dick's side, he immediately broke down in sweats.

"Dami, she actually said yes!" The older batboy beamed, smiling brightly.

"Of course (Y/N) did, Grayson." Damian replied stoically. "She's your best friend, and we're just going to the park. I know you've been infatuated by her for some time now, but you're treating this as if you proposed to her. The woman isn't even your girlfriend."

Maybe one day... Dick thought wholeheartedly; faintly grinning at the ground while thinking of you. Little did you know, your blue-eyed best friend had harboured feelings for you long into the duration of your friendship. Surprisingly, Dick did a decent job of keeping his secret far from your suspicion. Even though you were confident that there was nothing about the vigilante that could shock you, he still had a few tricks up his sleeve.

Moments tend to pass by rather quickly as Dick and Damian picked you up from your apartment,  then walked to the park altogether. Coincidentally, Clark Kent arrived with son Jon Kent in the park; leading the five of you to enjoy the bright sunny day outside.

Between yourself, Dick, and Clark, you all exchanged turns in watching over the two boys casually having fun and playing together. While Superboy's father would have his eye out on the kids, you and Dick talked about whatever came to your minds. Then, as your best friend joined along with the children, you and Clark would make small talk and try to get to know each other better; since the both of you were more mutual acquaintances than anything else.

However, right in the middle of your conversation with the Kryptonian, Clark's supersonic hearing was able to take note of the voices of young boys bickering with one another. The well-built metahuman brought his attention to Jon and Damian arguing, and you followed naturally as you turned your head to face them. You felt sympathetic towards Dick, who was only trying his best to dissipate the heated exchange.

Hearing Clark take a first step towards the frustrated pair, you immediately bring up your arm in front of his chest to block him from approaching any further.

"Let me handle this." You say, looking up to the concerned older man. "Trust me."

After being granted approval with a single nod of affirmation, you rush over to Damian, Jon, and Dick. Your man-child best friend returns to Clark while you're left to deal with the boys' feud.

Not even five minutes in, you were able to get the two friends to laugh again; causing Clark to be in major disbelief, and Dick to stare at you with half-lidded sky blue eyes in a lovesick gaze.

"Wow, (Y/N)'s certainly something else," The metahuman commented with a cunning smile. "There's not a doubt in my mind that she and Lois would get along very well."

"Yup." The infatuated young man replied; his attention was more drawn towards you and your motherly behaviour instead of Clark's commentary.

"You know, Dick, I never really understood all the fuss you made while telling me about the girl," Clark admitted. "And Bruce did say that you two were best friends for a very long time. After getting to know (Y/N), I can see why the family is so fond of her."

Dick mindlessly kept nodding at the Kryptonian's words, still daydreaming in your direction.

"Have you asked her out already?"

That single question from the man behind Superman was enough to bring your best friend back down to Earth. Clark's bluntness caused Dick to blush madly and bring back his full attention to their discussion.

"What!?" The flustered young man exclaimed. "How did you-"

"Everyone knows, son." Clark answered, patting Dick's shoulder. "Well, everyone except her at least. No one's stopping you from being with her."

"I know, I know." Dick insists. "I do plan to ask her out. Someday. We've been friends for so long, but I don't want to drop all this on her like a ton of bricks. I'm lucky that she stayed, knowing about Nightwing and all. I guess a part of me's still scared to discover what (Y/N)'s reaction would be. It can be really easy to make a move on anyone else, but she's different, Clark."

Your best friend gestured back to yourself as you were still occupied playing Hide-and-Seek with Jon and Damian. He and Clark were able to hear your laughter from metres away, and Dick simply smiled as his heart swelled at the mere sight of you.

"Everyone loves her, Clark. I mean, just look at the way she makes Damian and Jon feel. It's as if she truly values the happiness of others above her own. If (Y/N) ever decided to become a mother, her children would be the luckiest in the world."

"Have you ever considered how liberated you would feel if you took that leap, Dick?" The older man asks. "I believe you'd have a better chance of being by her side as the father of her kids if you made a move already. You've grown into such a respectable man with good traits of your own, Richard."

As dusk approached at the park, all five of you were about to make your way to exit through the park gates until a stopped ice cream truck instantly caught your eye. Taking the children's hands into your own, you brought Jon and Damian to the parked vehicle and bought ice cream cones for each boy; including a particularly childishly optimistic 5'10 man.

"Here, dork." You said, handing the cone to Dick. "One vanilla ice cream for you, too."

"I'm in love with you." Dick replied without hesitation, taking the waffle cone in his hand.

"Say what now?" You speak, eyes widening in shock.

Crap. No, not now, you idiot! He cursed to himself. You planned an entire candlelight dinner for this one moment! I had a whole speech and everything, this was definitely not the way to go!

"I-I meant to say t-thanks for the cone, bestie." Dick stuttered in a humiliating attempt to cover up his accidental confession. "Love you!"

Knowing full well about what your best friend meant, you grabbed the sides of his well chiseled face and pulled him in for a deep, loving kiss.

"I love you too, Grayson." You admit breathlessly; pulling away from your kiss. "About damn time you finally said something."

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