Sickness and In Health | NSFW

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"Mrs. Grayson, look out!"

In typical dramatic fashion, those cautionary words couldn't have been said soon enough as you were struck with a strong blast of fumigating mist that filled the room. You were caught in the crossfire of toxins that were concocted by none other than Poison Ivy.

After hearing shouts of your name started to grow more faint by the second, your eyelids give in and you fall limp to the ground.

"Though it was meant for big bird and the bat here, I guess you'll have to suffice." you hear the villainess whisper into your ear; her silky voice laced with venom. "Sweet dreams, flower."

When your eyelids flutter open once more as you regain consciousness, you find your wrists and ankles strapped to the chilled metallic surface of a steel table; inclined so you were able to pick up that in your state of unconsciousness, you were brought to the Batcave. Straight ahead of your view, you spot two tall figures having a rather serious discussion.

You were pulled away from your observations as soon as the audible sounds of the cave's ventilation system started itself up, the breeze hitting your skin. Which made you notice your lack of clothes.

Why the hell am I only in my underwear? you ask in thought as you look down your almost fully-nude body, raising an eyebrow in ongoing confusion.

"So, what do we tell her when she wakes up?"

You hear a familiar voice ask towards his company. You redirect your attention towards the two suited heroes, surrounded by devices and papers containing data beyond what you could predict to be.

"Simply tell the truth. That she was hit with a plant-based toxin made by Poison Ivy." you hear the other man answer.

"You're forgetting the 'but', Bruce."

After hearing Nightwing, your husband, acknowledge the piece of missing information, his partner and former mentor, Batman, takes one last look at the obtained data before turning to the younger vigilante once more.

"Ivy did warn that the toxin wasn't something to wait out. We would have to presume that the fumes (Y/N) might as well be considered fatal and that would put her in a... tight situation. We cannot take the risk of rushing for an antedote, not with the possibility of her life being at stake."

"So what options do we have left?"

This time, you question the Dark Knight, leading you to catch the attention of the two men as they now turned their heads to face you.

"(Y/N)?" Dick speaks. "How much did you hear?"

"Enough to know that Poison Ivy could have potentially led me to my death." you joked, trying to force a smile to ease the tension. "You didn't answer my question, hunk wonder."

A faint pink blush found its way to your spouse's cheeks hearing one of your frequently used nicknames for him. On instinct, Dick clears his throat before providing a response.

"Uh... since we can't exactly, um, wait for the effects of Ivy's toxin to fade... our only choice, uh, is to..."

"I don't have a problem masturbating, Dick. Hell, you've watched me like-"

"Ah! No!" your husband cuts you off, taking into account that the Dark Knight was still in the cave. "I mean, it'll give some form of relief for sure... but Bruce and I think it's best if someone were to... help relieve you of your..."

Your eyes widen in realization of what Dick was trying to tell you. You weren't exactly embarrassed by it, though. The both of you were fully-grown adults, and it's not like neither of you had sex with each other before.

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