Couch Potato

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You have been engaged to Dick Grayson for several months now; as prepared as you are for this important upcoming event, you couldn't help but grow more anxious with each time you spent reviewing the finely organized details regarding your wedding and the reception to follow. Your dear fiancé noticed how stressed you have become lately, so he volunteered to take a day off work to help with the plans and ease your nerves.

"Alright, babe," Dick spoke, walking towards your side and wrapping an arm around your waist. "What does my blushing bride want me to cover for our special day?"

You immediately relaxed under his touch, brought your attention to your fiancé as you looked up to him and lightly pecked his cheek before responding: "Tim and I will go over the seating chart to make sure that everyone's comfortable with the people they're assigned to sit with. You can go review the dishes for catering in the kitchen, make sure that there's a clear distinction for our vegetarian options. Alfred's offered to help if it's a bit much for you to handle."

You gesture your's and Dick's attention to the tall, slender butler standing by the doorway to the kitchen, giving you a single nod.

Dick turned back to you as he took your hands in his, looking straight into your (E/C) eyes with affirmation.

"(Y/N), I'm Blüdhaven's ultimate law enforcement. I've taken down criminals as a vigilante and an officer, all without breaking a sweat. If I can bring justice to our city, I'm sure as hell I can look over vegan dishes, Angel."

With half-lidded eyes and a sly grin, you give in to your husband-to-be and let him do his own thing. "If you say so, Dick, but there's no shame in asking for help from time to time. I'll check up in an hour or so to see how you're managing, okay?"

"Gotcha, sweetheart." Dick replied. He gave you a quick hug before heading off to the kitchen. "See you later!"


After a couple of hours, you and Tim decide to take a break from looking over the seating chart for hundreth time. Well actually, he made the suggestion to leisure for a while after a heated argument about whether or not it would be practical for Jason and Damian to sit right beside each other. So, with the free time you currently have, you seized the opportunity to check on your independently hard-working fiancé and his progress with the reception catering.

In the exact moment you step into the kitchen of the Wayne Manor, your blood instantly boiled; enraged with what you saw.

"What the fuck, Richard!?"

Apparently, the kitchen remained to be in the same state as it was before Dick entered it. The only difference that occurred between those two hours were your husband working on a cutting board? With a potato?

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Dick greeted, unaffected by your upset reaction. "How's my beautiful wife-to-be doing?"

Despite his toothy grin and alluring ocean blue eyes, you weren't buying his charisma at the moment.

"Flattery's not going to get you anywhere, Grayson." You retaliated with a cold tone. "What the hell are you doing? Why are there no dishes in the kitchen?"

Still unfazed by your anger, Dick set down the knife he held and ran up to you; bringing you to his workstation. As you got a closer look of the potato, you were baffled by his handiwork; unsure to be amused or disappointed.

"It's a couch potato!" Dick announced. "I remember you nagging to me various times about couch potatoes, so I figured that if I made you one, it could make you happy!"

Happy? How could this moron possibly believe that if he carved a potato sculpture, it would make me happy!? I allowed him to take over a part of the reception, a rather significant part even, without someone to help him for two hours, and he peels a potato into the shape of a couch? To make me happy!?

You stare at the potato sculpture for about a good minute, dumbfounded. You were numbed by Dick's explanation that it fried your brain to come up with a strong reaction.

However, your humourous future spouse's art caused you to burst out in laughter. Dick joined in with you soon after; the both of you trying to get words out of your mouths as you kept pointing to the couch potato and indulging in your boisterous laughs.

Though once you were finished, you wiped a tear leaking from the corner of your eye, and steadied your breathing.

"You may be one of the greatest detectives Gotham has to offer," You speak. "But you're such an idiot."

"Well, this idiot's all yours." Dick replied in a snarky remark. "So what does that make you?"

"The voice in your head that keeps you from doing dumb stuff like this!" You shout, still smiling as you point to the potato.


All of a sudden, a "ding" could be heard across the kitchen; the faint smell of greasy fast food wafted into your nose.

"Nice! Dinner's ready!" Dick exclaimed, turning his head to face the oven, which you just realised had its lights on.

"I know you've been really hard for the past seven months trying to plan our picture-perfect wedding, babe. All you need to do now is go sit at the dining table and wait for me there. I'll serve for the both of us." Your raven-haired fiancé instructed. You simply nodded and did as he told you.

As you walk into the dining area of the manor, you realise the ambiance went through a complete change as you were pre-occupied in the kitchen. Instead of the seating chart that you and Tim were working very hard on from earlier, the table had been cleared with the exception of lit candlesticks surrounding a vase of red roses on the center, along with duplicate plates and cutlery.

You couldn't help but to tear up at the sight of the lovely setting in front of you, especially since it reminded you of an old, yet very fond memory that has been engraved in your heart since.

"In tribute to our very first date, I called in some favors to recreate the first chapter of our relationship; courtesy of ma familia." Dick explained with a warm smile, holding a baking tray of oven fries on his hands. "I recall a wise woman telling me that there's no shame in asking for help from time to time."

"You did all this because I was stressed out of my mind planning our wedding?" You asked in amusement.

"I did this to make you happy, same as every romantic gesture I did for you." Dick answered, serving the fries on his and your plate before sitting down and placing the baking tray on the table.

"I love you, Dick."

"I love you too, (Y/N)."

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