Shut Up & Kiss Me

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"Get her at all costs!" A young man roared. It was none other than the once-sidekick to the Dark Knight, now leader of the Teen Titans; the Boy Wonder, Robin.

The lady he, along with his team, are targeting? The protegé of the Clown Prince of Crime, also known as the ultimate rival of Batman. The Joker's prized possesion: you.

"Aw, little birdie, why so serious?" You teased, using your mentor's signature phrase as leverage. "Next time we play tag, I'll chase you! Wouldn't want my favorite beak-boy to be chirping mad now!"

You laughed hysterically as you were able to lengthen the distance between yourself and the Titans, much to the heroes' dismay, additionally to Robin's frustration.

"This is getting boring!" You whined when you finally started to lose track from them, no longer able to spot them from behind. "You know what, when it's my turn to tag you, I'll bring a knife! That should make it more fun, right birdie!?"

"You'll be sent back to Arkham before you have the chance." Robin threatened, catching up to your location.

"If I can bring you with me, can we make it a date?" You flirted, batting your eyelashes. A small hint of rosy pink flushed Robin's cheeks before he rapidly shook his head and growled at you.

"No way." Robin replied, his words laced with venom.

"Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!"

You heard the half-demon Raven chant as she emitted black rays that were aimed in your direction. Right before you found a way to dodge the attack, you were already encaptured by the trap spell she bestowed on you.

"Let me out!" You yelled. "It was much more fun when Cyborg or Starfire blasted their rays to subdue me!"

"Shut it, Jester." Robin ordered angrily. "We need to get her back to Arkham as soon as possible. She's just as unstable as the Joker. If not, moreso. She's a threat to the civillians, so we can't risk losing her."

"I'm flattered, birdie." You cooed as you clasped your hands together; leaning your head to mockingly appear affectionate. "I never met a boy that knew so much about me! Even better, he will do anything to keep me around!"

"Whatever makes you sleep at night." Robin said, too drained of energy to indulge in any further banter with you.

After you were finally submitted into Arkham Asylum once again, the Titans retreated back to their headquarters at Titans Tower; where they heated up some frozen pizza for dinner, and pulled out a jar of mustard to spread onto their microwaved meal.

"So, Dick," Garfield, commonly known as Beast Boy, spoke in muffles, swallowing his food before he continued to speak. "When were you going to tell us that you've been seeing Jester behind our backs?"

Thrown off by the green-skinned boy's words, Dick choked on his pizza right as he was chewing it. Kory took notice of this and patted her teammate's back with enough force to cough up a chunk of what used to be his dinner. The raven-haired boy took a gulp of his canned soda before responding.

"What the heck would possibly make you think I'm dating (Y/N)!?" Dick asked incredulously.

"Well for starters, you're the only one out of all of us that address her by her real name." Victor interfered, siding with Garfield.

"Criminal or not, (Y/N) is still a person. She didn't exactly choose-"

"Yeah, yeah, we heard her sob story a million times." Garfield interrupted, rolling his eyes. "Joker murdered her parents and abducted her. After months of torture, manipulation, and other unfortunate events, she let her darkness succumb her and became the Jester. Dude, if you feel so bad for her, do something about it! Instead of fantasizing about being her knight in shining armour, you could actually be her hero!"

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