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You were painfully jealous of Barbara Gordon.

It didn't seem enough that the beautiful redhead had a 4.0 GPA in Gotham University to compliment her genius-level intellect, maintained peak physical wellness, even in her handicapped days, all paired with a naturally alluring personality that no one could never get enough of.

One of those many individuals included one Dick Grayson, who just so happens to have been your crush ever since you met him as Robin for the very first time.

There was nothing you couldn't give to only be in her shoes for one day.

So, in an act of pathetic desperation, you sought out one of your close friends, Zatanna Zatara, who ironically just so happens to be one of Dick's exes, for help.

"Let me get this straight," the mage spoke; her face scrunched up in confusion. "you want me to give you a glamour charm to make you look like Barbara so you could go out with Dick?" you nodded immediately, eyes darting back-and-forth to make sure no one else have heard. "Okay, but-"

"It's only going to be for one day, Zee!" you cut her off instantly, dismissing her concerns. "Dick and Babs always go out every Thursday, and she's out with her dad tonight! It's the perfect opportunity, and totally foolproof!"

"(Y/N)-" Zatanna said with caution in her voice.

"Please, Zee." you clasped your hands together; a dramatic pout made its way to your face. "I'm only asking for one night. One night, to pretend that Dick Grayson is my boyfriend. Then afterwards, I won't do it ever again."

A moment of silence had passed before your friend sighed in defeat; succumbing to your pleas.

"Alright, but I still don't like this."

Zatanna leaves the room, returning a minute later with a necklace in her hands. She holds out the glamour charm in front of you, a pink stone hung from the black velvet carrying it.

"When you wear this, your voice and physical appearance will be altered, providing an illusion to the outside world." the magician explains, resting the glamour charm in your hands. "This charm was specifically made for the user to look and sound like Barbara Gordon, and only works while it's being worn. Do you understand?"

"Yes." you reply, giving a nod of affirmation.

You bring the charm over your head, leaving it to rest around your neck. You look down to see that you can still recognize your hands as your own, then look back up to meet your friend's ocean-hued eyes.

"Your actual form is visible to you and I," the raven-haired mage adds with a cunning grin. "and don't worry, the charm still works. Open the camera on your phone."

You do as Zatanna says, revealing your new appearance as the civilian identity of Batgirl. Red hair, blue eyes, all nine yards.

"Oh, crap..." you say in awe, slowly reaching for your face to further take in its features. "I almost look like a damn-near copy... I'm basically a Barbara clone!"

"Go get him, babe." Zatanna smirks.

This is stupid. Really, really stupid. you nag to yourself as you make your way up the elevator to Dick's apartment. He's not dumb. As soon as he opens the door, Dick will see right through the façade and know that I'm not Barbara.

Nevertheless, you find your body betraying your words by the second as you continue walking down the hall, stopping at the acrobat's door, and hesitantly bringing your knuckle up to knock.

I can still bail, right? Hopefully he's not here, and I can just go back home. Yeah. Forget this ever happened.


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