In Love With a Playgirl

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Dick Grayson doesn't happen to be the only member of the Team that has been referred to by Wally West as a dog. In fact, in the duration of five years after the Team was established, there have been members that have come and gone. One of those members was you, (Y/N) (L/N); commonly known as (S/N).

It's hard for anyone to put their finger on it, but there was something about you that made you so alluring, specifically towards the male members of the Team. Maybe it had something to do with your beautiful (H/C) hair, your shiny (E/C) eyes, or perhaps your friendly personality. Either way, there was something about you that drew the boys close to you, and it was a no-brainer that some of their partners would get slightly irked from your presence from time to time.

However, by the end of the day, there were no hard feelings, because your attitude was so sickly sweet, it was hard for the girls to stay mad at you; let alone anyone.

Dick would get the pattern for sure. Although it wouldn't take much effort, he'd feel his highest and lowest moments because of you. To this day, the vigilante has some difficulty about loving or hating you for it.

For instance, a typical day for the both of you would go along the lines of this:

"Good morning, beautiful!" You hear Nightwing's immediate greeting as soon as you enter Mount Justice from the zetatubes. You could feel your cheeks heat up as they flush to a rosy pink tint. Waving his hand like a goof while grinning at you, a snicker escapes your lips and you smile in return; modestly waving back to him.

"Morning to you too, handsome!" You reply. Despite your professional relationship, there was plenty of room for flirtatious remarks. Knowing very well about your reputations, the Team was never given any reason to believe that there was anything beyond a neutral friendship between their leader and yourself.

Seeing you enter the headquarters in the morning was always the best part of Dick's mornings. It caused his gut to swarm with butterflies, losing all sense of the world around him. He could only focus on you, and it was a weakness that he'd try his hardest to conceal from the heroes he's worked with.

You were making your way towards your friend until a particular blue-suited boy got in your way.

"Buenos dias, señorita!" Blue Beetle says; his greeting a bit too enthusiastic, causing you to be a little startled. You smile back anyways, knowing there was no harm intended.

Harm to yourself, that is.

A jealous Dick forced himself to turn away from your direction, averting his gaze away from Jaime Reyes capturing your hand in his, bringing it up to his lips as the lightly pecked the back of your hand out of chivalry.

Chivalry ain't dead, but if someone might be if I can't keep this up any longer. Dick cursed in his mind.

"Yo, (S/N)! Glad you're back!" Beast Boy called from a fair distance away. "I picked up some dandelions for you while you were out!"

Handing you the bunch of flowers from his grip, you take the yellow floras into your own hands, staring back into Garfield Logan's green eyes in modesty.

"Aw, this is very sweet of you, B!" You say in your signature tone of delight; grinning brightly at him. "Thank you."

You gotta be kidding me! The dude's thirteen! Your admirer whined in his thoughts.

Followed by Robin, Lagoon Boy, and even Superboy, the young men of the Team would be swarming around you; much like the butterflies in Dick's stomach that have now dissipated. Luckily, it now meant that Nightwing was able to come back down to earth and return to the task at hand.

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