A Birdie Told Me

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On your final class period during yet another school day at Gotham Academy, a tiny euphoric sigh escapes your lips as your mind is occupied with the thought of your rather attractive best friend. Your (E/C) eyes direct their gaze lovingly at the doodles you drew onto your notebook, consisting of hearts in various sizes and few attempts to capture the image of the billionaire's ward onto the lined sheets of paper.

"-(L/N)? Miss (L/N), are you paying attention?"

The accusing tone of your teacher's voice was enough for yourself to be pulled out of your thoughts and brought back down to earth. You chuckle sheepishly as you feel your cheeks heat up; immediately flushed with crimson. Trying to force yourself to face your teacher assertively, you could tell just by simple observation that she wasn't at all pleased.

"I... I-" You stammer.

"You seem rather distracted, Miss (L/N)." The teacher points out, furrowing her eyebrows in both frustration and impatience. "Since you appear to be focussing heavily onto your notebook, I figure it's safe to assume that your taking your notes quite thoroughly?"

Though the rest of your muscles were tensed to the point of being stiff, you bob your head up and down; nodding to your teacher to dismiss her suspicions towards your current behaviour.

"Good to hear, (Y/N). I'll be glad to be reviewing those notes after class, then." 

Crap. You thought, waves of embarrassment wash through you as your body sulks down into your seat; each limb now feeling numb.

"Psst!" You hear from the desk beside you, causing yourself to flinch slightly at the hushed sound.

Turning around, you spot your best friend and crush, Dick Grayson. Discreetly holding some sheets underneath the table, he gestures them to you; giving you a devious smirk and a hinting wink. You immediately blush scarlet red in response, taking a second-long glance at the teacher before hastily grabbing the set of notes from below his desk.

"Thank you." You whisper with a smile, enunciating the words with your lips to ensure Dick received your message. In turn, the azure-eyed boy gave you a single nod and a sincere grin.

In the remainder of the period, you scribble down your notes in a hurry; beads of sweat began to glide down your temples in distress as you try your very best to ignore the growing cramp in your hand while darting your eyes between your unruly notes and Dick's much neater ones.

Fortunately, once the final bell rang to conclude the school day, you were able to proudly behold your notes towards your upset teacher. Although she was hesitant with the general appearance of it, the bitter woman reluctantly admitted that the quality of your notes exceeded her expectations. Your face beamed at the positive critique; smiling brightly at your teacher before you dashed out the door.

As you made your way out of the school's corridors, you were pleasantly surprised to find your charming best friend standing at the front gates of Gotham Academy.

"Y-You waited for me?" You asked Dick in disbelief.

"Of course I did." He replied, his smile unfaltering. "I take it she found your notes convincing?"

"I would've been so dead if it weren't for you," You say. Approaching your best friend, you give Dick a playful punch at his arm. "my hero."

You weren't sure if it was a trick of the light, but you swore that you saw the faintest shade of pink spread across the wealthy boy's cheeks.

"I guess that makes you my damsel in distress, huh?" He suggests, raising an eyebrow.

"Come on, let's just get in the car already. I feel bad enough we're keeping Alfred waiting long enough as it is."

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