Achilles' Heel

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For as long as you could remember, your friendship with Dick Grayson was inseparable. Ever since the pair of you were children, the sky-eyed boy was your ride or die; the type of friends that you'd feel comfortable confiding anything to, even if it was just pointing out if there was a piece of food stuck in your teeth.

So, it could only come naturally that when Dick decided to move to Blüdhaven, you had no issues leaving Gotham as well and scoring yourself a rock of a roommate.

Nowadays, each spare moment you got to spend with one another consisted of cereal-filled shows and movie marathons along with being your best friend's prime venting source; from his ongoing battle of escaping Bruce's shadow to whatever drama is going on between his co-workers back at the Blüdhaven Police Department.

Or Barbara Gordon. As of late, the redhead has been a definite recurring topic of conversation; mainly because their breakup was one of the many things Dick had to endure amidst the significant point of change in his adult life. It clearly didn't help that Barbara moved on soon enough and found a blossoming relationship with Tim Drake; the former acrobat's second successor as the Boy Wonder. There are not enough words to describe how much it effected Dick when his heart still yearned for the former Batgirl, and by extent, it made your chest ache a bit as well.

One of these conversations were presumed to take place once again as the both of you were chowing down on burgers and fries at a local diner. From the looks of it, anyone could figure that Tim and Barbara's relationship was growing more and more serious by the day, and you wouldn't be surprised if you ended up being in attendance at their wedding.

"Okay, but what about that dirty blonde chick? Didn't you guys just go out a few days back?" you ask; raising an eyebrow as you take a sip of your milkshake, but refusing to break eye contact with your best friend.

"She means well, but god, is she annoying!" Dick whined in response, combing his hair through his rough fingers in exhaustion. "It's scary to see how someone could talk so much, even if their stuffing their mouth at the same time! And don't get her mixed up with Wally, since this chick could literally talk as if she wasn't eating at all. At least Wall's muffled speech is more tolerable... and normal!"

You snickered towards his rant, to which was instantly met with a huff and a childlike pout from the latter's end. Rolling your eyes at the sight of his frown, you lean closer to the table and take your smaller hand to cup Dick's chin; using your thumb to gently stroke part of his jawline.

"Aw, another crappy date for our Dickiebird, huh?" you cooed, giving him a playful pout and batting your eyelashes. Knowing how distressed he could be, you take your other hand to the side of his head; running your petite fingers through a small area of his raven hair. "I'm so sorry, Dickie."

After years of being tended to by you, since you being the roommate and best friend of a vigilante and now-police officer really required frequent medical attention, Dick practically melted under your soft touches. He lets out a deep sigh, closing his eyes and leaned his head onto your hand which massaged his scalp.

"I still miss Barbara, (Y/N)," he says. "and up 'til now, I can't fully register the fact that she definitely doesn't feel the same anymore. Not if she's with Tim."

"Oh Dickie babe..." you speak; hurt strained in your voice. "you know you'll always have a special spot in Babs' heart. You just need time to heal, just like she did, because I'm sure that she was just as heartbroken as you when you guys had split."

With those words, Dick doesn't reply. Instead, he brings a hand to your forearm. Not as a tight grip, but more of an affirming touch; as his calloused thumb mimics the same stroke you had on his chin. His stormy-blue eyes look up to you with melancholy and desperation, shortly before flashing you a small grin.

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