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thank you @Jennybear0124 for this idea :)

"Do you, Richard John Grayson, take (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Though it was only a single laced white veil that draped over your face, the lovestruck groom wanted nothing more but to lift it away so he could press those red-stained lips against his and inwardly bask in those glistening (E/C) mascara-framed eyes as a silent motion of how much admiration he held for you. The veil taunted him, a barrier he was itching to take down, just to see your gorgeous face in all its glory.

Only standing straight across from another, facing each other, just the mere sight of you adorned in a white dress classic-yet-elegant enough to compliment your already-natural beauty, couldn't have Dick any more excited to continue unwrapping the greatest gift that life could have possibly given to him. From the very moment he met you, followed by dates that led to the formation of your relationship, the engagement that allowed him to call you his fiancé, then today his bride, to a minute later where he would finally call you his wife. You would be his, forever. Each milestone you guys had hit after the day you met was a layer of gift wrap that always left the both of you wanting more.

He didn't have to wait anymore. Dick Grayson was finally the hero that got the girl. At last, he got his happy ending.

"I do." he answered, and not a second too soon.

"And do you, (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N), take Richard John Grayson to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Dick's eyes broke the eye contact you shared with him, so he could dart down to your lips; locking his gaze and anticipating your next words.


"Dick? Hello? Earth to bird brain?"

With a few finger snaps, your tall acrobatic friend was brought back down to earth; to which you dignified with a snicker and taking another bite of your slice of pizza.

"S-Sorry," he stammered sheepishly, digging back into his food as well. "You were saying something?"

"Yeah," you replied with a slight muffle, as part of the pizza was still in your mouth. "I was asking about the lucky lady."

"What lucky lady?" Dick asked, brows knitting together in confusion.

"The one you're bringing to Bruce's gala this weekend, you dork." you smirked, leaning towards him from across the table. "So who is it? Kori? Babs?"

I was kind of hoping it would be you. the smitten man answered in thought, but quickly shook it off afterwards. "Uh... it's neither of them, actually." he drew out loud.

"Ah... so I guess the Dick Grayson, Gotham and Blüdhaven's most eligible bachelor is going stag to another one of billionaire Bruce Wayne's galas... once again. You tend to be doing that a lot lately... maybe some special chick'll catch your eye when the time comes."

Amidst your teasing, Dick could only nod and hum in agreement; longingly gazing at you in silence with half-lidded eyes.

Too late for that, (N/N).

You then lean against the back of your seat, patting your stomach in satisfaction.

"Welp, I'm stuffed. How's about we get back to shopping so I can get a new dress?" you say, pointing toward the stream of stores beyond the food court. "That I'm paying with my own money this time."

"(N/N), I told you, it's no big deal! At least let me pay for half, you know B and Alfred wouldn't even let you spend a single penny because of 'gentleman etiquette' and all that junk."

Dick Grayson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now