Multitask | NSFW

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Geez, Dick really knows how to make a girl feel special.

Today would mark a full week that your goofy, yet charismatic boyfriend chose to prioritize his work life above everything else; you included. This meaning that he hasn't come home in days, which affected you by a significant lack of cuddles and kisses.

More importantly, the sex. Damn, did you miss the sex. Anyhow, being the best girlfriend you could possibly be, you did your absolute best to be patient and understanding; and considering being in a relationship with someone that lives a double-life by being a hero, it definitely took a lot of both.

So, when you finally faced the music and realized that Dick was probably not going to return any of your calls, you decided to pay your ignorant lover a casual visit.

"Hey, lover bird." you greet in a sensual tone, leaning against the door frame nonchalantly. "Holy smokes, my boy wonder looks so sexy when he's focused, huh?"

Dick merely hums in agreement; his cerulean eyes glued to the monitors and papers right in front of him.

"Do you know how badly that turns me on?" you say with an airy voice. "How wet you've been making me for the past week?"

"Mhm. Sounds nice."

Seriously? you thought in retaliation. How much more obvious could I get?

When you take note that Dick's eyes are still heavily focused onto the screens, you had to be all up in his face as a last resort. Literally.

"Come on, baby," you whisper into his ear as you hopped onto the chair to straddle your lover's lap. "Surely you can't ignore your cute girlfriend. If you remember, the one that got dressed up just for you."

"(Y/N)..." the vigilante muttered, trying to maintain his attention towards his work.

"I missed you, Dick." you say against his neck, planting small kisses afterwards. "You haven't come home for a while..."

"I know, baby." he replies, sighing onto your shoulder. "I'm sorry, I know this hasn't been a good week for you, but Bruce and the Team needs me here. It's a lame-ass excuse, but you understand, right?"

"Of course I do." you stroke your lover's onyx-black locks while speaking empathetically; using your fingertips to massage into his scalp. "Please just take a break. Even if it's only for right now."

Dick's hot breath hits the exposed part of your shoulder before placing his lips against your skin; kissing and gently sucking the revealed area. You let out a small moan of pleasure in response, causing you to grind a bit against your boyfriend.

"Fuck... I really want you right now..." he confesses, bringing his head up to face you. "but-"

"Got a rubber on you?" you interrupt him, no longer interested with Dick's excuses.

"Uh-huh. Why?"

"I think we can kill two birds with one stone, lover bird."

"(Y/N), are you sure?" Dick questions, turning his head to make a quick scan throughout the Batcave.

"Babe, I'm pretty sure they've caught us doing it in worse places." you counter, rolling your eyes. "The one time I'm willing to put out and all you're worried about is if someone walks in on us? And here I thought I was the modest one in this relationship."

You buck your hips one more time against your boyfriend's concealed hard-on, causing Dick to draw a sharp breath at the sudden action.

"Come on, boy wonder." you whisper, leaning close to his ear once more. "I want you. Right now."

Dick Grayson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now