My Best Friend's Sister

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You were five years old when you met eight-year old Dick Grayson for the first time. After being submitted into the foster care system since birth, you were recently adopted into Wally West's family. As an ice breaker, he introduced you to many of his friends; starting with the ones he trusted the most and felt the closest to.

The very first time you saw Dick Grayson, you felt as if you were struck by Cupid's bow as your heart panged at the initial sight of him. He walked into your home with your older brother, laughing about something you couldn't bother to care about. All you could focus on were his ultramarine blue eyes and his pearly-white teeth as he flashed a very bright smile.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Wally called out. "Sorry I kept you waiting so long, I was hanging with my best friend. Speaking of which..."

Before he continued talking, your redhaired brother pushed Dick close to you, emitting an unamused look from the raven-haired boy aimed directly at Wally.

"This is my best friend, Dick Grayson. Dude, meet my new sister, (Y/N)! She's kind of shy so I'm trying to help her warm up to others for now." Your brother proudly announced.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)." Dick said warmly, extending out his hand. "Can't wait to hang out with you and Wally more in the future."

You inspected his hand for a bit, looked up at his friendly smile, then reluctantly took your hand out to shake his.

"N-Nice to meet you too, Dick." You spoke in a soft tone. You felt a bit of heat rise to your cheeks as you tried to compose yourself.

"You have an adorable sister, Wall." He commented to Wally as he turned back to his friend.

"Just keep your paws off her, man." Wally teased. "The last thing my little sis needs is jerks drooling all over her. I don't want to deal with that kind of drama until high school at the earliest."

Dick simply laughed at Wally's joke, causing you to smile a little bit. It was the first of many times that the charming boy would make you smile.

You were ten years old when thirteen-year old Dick Grayson was in a relationship with his first girlfriend, Barbara Gordon. Ever since they started going out, his hands were tied between Robin, school, and Barbara. Because of this, you spent a lot of days cooped up in your room listening to cheesy, sad romantic hits while crying into your pillow.

No matter how much Wally and your parents tried to get you to come out, they failed with each attempt. Everybody knew about your crush on Dick, but little did they know that you felt more than just a puppy-love schoolgirl crush.

However, a light tapping noise against your bedroom window pulled you out of your thoughts as you shifted in your bed to see the boy wonder himself, giving you that same friendly smile while hanging upside down.

"Go away, Dick." You whined, turning again to have your back to the sidekick.

"You and I both know I'm not giving up until you let me in, (Y/N)." Dick, as Robin, replied with a smug look on his face.

You remained silent until you caved in and stood up from the bed, walking towards your window to unlock it; allowing the junior vigilante access to your bedroom.

"Now," You spoke in dissatisfaction. "Did Wally pay you to check up on me? That's pretty reckless for someone who assists the Bat."

"Well, I am on patrol." Robin spoke, chuckling nervously afterwards. "Please don't tell Bruce about this pit stop though, he's not someone to mess with. Obviously."

You rolled your eyes, unamused at his attempted joke.

"Anyways, Wally didn't call me here. Nobody had to. You're one of my close friends, (Y/N). We've been friends for five years, I think I would know when you're not feeling alright."

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