Playboy Genes

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"Dick! Come here this instant!" You yelled across the apartment. Even though you were sure that your landlord will most likely show up to your doorstep with a voice complaint, your mind was fumed with rage to spare any empathy at the moment.

"I'm here, (Y/N)!" Your husband called back immediately as he entered the living room. Much concern was shown through his face; he was clearly worried about whatever it was that caused you such distress. "What's wrong, babe?"

"For starters, talk some sense into your son!" You replied harshly, pointing to the five-year old boy in front of you. "Nathan's only in kindergarten and he's already fooling around with an innocent little girl!"

Dick was completely dumbfounded at your words; his eyes widened in shock and his mouth was slightly agape. He took a moment to look back and forth between you and your son, trying to take in the situation.

"Okay then..." Dick spoke, dragging out his words. "So when he's doing a good job with school, Nate's your precious angel. But when you're upset with him, he's my son?"

Although he chuckled lightheartedly at his own small joke, you simply cocked an eyebrow at him; clearly unamused at his attempt to brighten the issue. Once your humourous spouse was done having his last laugh, he took a deep breath and combed his raven hair back with his hand to recollect himself.

"Alrighty! I can tell that this ain't a time for jokes right now," Dick commented. His eyes narrowed as he turned away from you to face his son.

"Jonathan Bruce Grayson, you're coming with me."

Even if you were still mad towards your son, you couldn't help but feel a bit frightened at your husband's quick change in tone. Sure, he was the adopted son of Bruce Wayne, but the difference in their personalities were evidently contrasted. You understood how intimidating your father-in-law could be, especially knowing the business that your spouse's side of the family is involved in at night. However, the chances of Dick becoming so angered in such a scenario were quite minuscule, those moments chilled you to your core in a way that no one else could.

But in some very rare occurences, you have to admit it turned you on. Especially in the way his eyes transitioned from an alluring ocean blue to an icy cold glare.

As soon as you were out of earshot from your husband and son, Dick sat down a worried Nathan onto one of the kitchen chairs, then walked over to the opposite side of the table to slam his hands upon the wooden surface, rather loudly for you to hear.

"Boy, what were you thinking!?" You hear the supposedly angry vigilante shout from the kitchen.

Little did you know, it was merely a ruse to Dick's true reaction. After yelling away from your son's face, Dick turned to face Nathan; leaning rather close to assure you couldn't hear what he was about to say.

"Is whatever mommy's saying true, Nate?" He asked in a quiet whisper. Nathan remained oblivious at his father's question, as he was since the second you called your husband into the living room. All your son did was simply nod in response, unaware of what else Dick was going to say next.

But to young Nathan's surprise, Dick grinned at his son's reply. It would be clear to anyone else that your husband was overjoyed and supportive of your son.

"I'm so proud of you boy!" Dick exclaimed in another whisper. "Is she kind? Smart? Beautiful?"

Nathan nodded throughout his father's mini interrogation, engaging in the happy father-son bonding that is currently taking place behind your back. However, it had to be interrupted from time to time as to keep you fooled from what your two favorite boys were actually doing. Dick's neck began to feel quite sore after turning his head between his son and the living room.

"Jonathan, you're never going to see that girl again, do you hear me!?"

"You better treat her like a princess, Nate. If you really like this girl, make sure to treat her with respect."

"You are in so much trouble, young man!"

"Treat her like I treat mommy, alright? Give her lots of flowers and make her laugh. Girls love to laugh."

"If I catch you messing with another little girl, Mister, we're going to have a chat with Grandpa Bruce!"

After what has felt like an eternity, you take sight of your husband and son walking out of the kitchen. Nathan held his head down until he got to his bedroom, avoiding to look up at you, while Dick remained as grim as he was before he dragged your son into the kitchen.

However, the grumpy look on your spouse's face dissapeared as he took notice of your smug grin and narrowed (E/C) eyes.

"You encouraged him, didn't you?" You asked with a sly-sounding voice.

Dick's eyes widened once again, looking like a deer caught in headlights. Guilty.

"Dick..." You spoke disapprovingly.

"Sweetheart," Your husband called out, walking towards you to wrap his arms around your waist to enclose the space between the two of you. "Give poor Nate a break, (Y/N). Our boy really likes this girl. She sounds really nice according to him, and he doesn't seem willing to let her go anytime soon. I don't see any reason to interfere in their relationship."

Your heart let its guard down at Dick's small gestures; he brought his head down to nuzzle his nose against your neck in an attempt to calm you down. Your previously tensed shoulders eased themselves down as you returned your husband's warming embrace.

"Honey, I understand where you're coming from. It's just the two of them are so young." You reasoned with a worried look in your eyes, directing your gaze to the carpeted ground where you both stood. "If one of them accidentally hurt the other, who knows what could happen?"

You took your arms away from your hug to place your hands to the sides of Dick's face, bringing him away from your neck to stare straight into his adoring blue eyes. The gesture was returned as your spouse took one strong arm away from your waist to cup your cheek.

"People get hurt everyday, whether we like it or not." Dick answered sternly. "The best we can do is to continue taking care of our son, darling. We raised Nathan to be the best gentleman he could be and we'll keep raising him to make sure he stays that way. We haven't steered him wrong so far, right?"

You chuckled softly at your husband's comforting words.

"I love you."

Dick smiled warmly.

"I love you too, (Y/N)."

With his hand still cupped on your cheek, Dick brought your face closer to his as he captured his lips onto yours in a short, yet tender kiss. You took in a deep breath through your nose as you savoured the loving moment with your husband.

"By the way, (Y/N), how did you manage to figure out our act?" Dick asked as soon as he broke away from your kiss, curious for your answer.

"You may be a good detective, Grayson," You spoke with sultry in your voice. "But you're not that slick when it comes to covering your tracks, especially when it comes to me. I figured you out as Robin, didn't I?"

"Baby, that was forever ago. I wasn't as skilled back then as I am now." Dick explained. "Besides, how can I get anything past my sexy wife?"

"I dare you to try, Officer." You whispered into Dick's ear.

He took up your challenge with a predatory grin, lifting your legs up to wrap around his waist as you let out a small yelp, running straight to your bedroom. Dick instantly locked the door as soon as the both of you got inside before he let you down on top of your shared king-sized bed, your husband pinned both of your hands down onto the mattress and leaned dangerously low to your face.

"This playboy's still got some tricks up his sleeve."

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