Star-Crossed II

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Say you love her, damn it! Say that you don't want some loser wrapping his arms around your girl. She's mine. I can find a way to deal with Barbara and that douchebag, but I can't let her go.

Unfortunately, as Dick got lost into his thoughts when he hesitated in search for a proper response, your heart couldn't bear to take the pain anymore. You just had to get out of that suite. The atmosphere became suffocating to you and the man that you were willing to take a bullet for couldn't give you a straightforward answer.

The slam of the hotel door silenced your affair with Dick Grayson. Perhaps forever.


Five years later, you found yourself in the same damn café with the same raven-haired playboy. You mentally cursed yourself as you stole a glance of him as he entered the local coffee shop, instantly turning away before allowing him the chance to notice your presence as well.

You stood patiently in line, waiting for you to give the barista your order while twiddling your thumbs worryingly.

Although Dick couldn't recognize you from behind, you deemed yourself very unlucky as you felt his finger tap your shoulder.

"Miss, are you alright?" Dick asked in concern. "I couldn't help but notice you twiddling your thumbs there, is there anything troubling you at the moment?"

Still refusing to turn and face you ex-lover, you rapidly shake your head.

"N-Nothing's wrong." You stutter out, clearing your throat after answering him.

"I might not be a psychic, but I'm a pretty good detective," Dick boasted lightheartedly. "And from the looks of it, there must be something wrong. I knew someone that did the same thing whenever she was worried."

Dick admitted that latter sentence faintly, turning away from you as he said it.

"Really?" You asked in genuine concern, still facing towards the front counter. "I might sound like a creep asking this, but could you tell me more about this someone? Maybe it could calm my nerves a bit, you know?"

Throwing caution to the wind, you immediately expected for Dick to decline. However, he didn't take a single moment to hesitate before he answered.

"She and I were very close friends." Dick replied with a soft tone in his voice. "Honestly, it feels like an eternity since we spoke last. We didn't really end things on good terms, which hurt me a lot, but in retrospect I looked like a selfish jerk. I wanted her all to myself, but we were both in happy relationships with other people. Man, she definitely did a real number on me. She was able to light up an entire room the second she walked into one."

Hearing Dick preach about you to... Yourself, that swelling feeling in your heart returned although you believed it has been long gone. You missed that lingering sensation of affection you felt towards your former friend. Aside from the affair, the bond that you shared with Dick was one of a kind. Irreplaceable.

"Did you love her?" You asked among Dick's lengthy preaches.

"Next customer in line please!" You hear the barista call out to you, gesturing for you to approach the counter. Changing your mind about wanting to hear Dick's response, you hastily make your way to the till; paying for your order and heading off to the pick-up area.

However, it didn't take long for Dick to follow you, walking up to you from behind.

"I would tell you my answer, Miss," Dick spoke. "But I would need to know who you are before I confide in such personal matters."

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