Nutcracker | NSFW

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It was only less than a week until the opening night of your rendition of the Nutcracker. This performance meant a lot to you, since you became somewhat of a rising local celebrity within your home city of Blüdhaven. Starting from your early childhood, the art of ballet had been your favourite activity and gradually became the only hobby you were absolutely passionate about.

Now, all the competitions and lessons that you've practiced day and night for has led you to this very moment. You didn't view it as days away from the big night, nor hours or minutes.

Every single second mattered.

It all started a year prior to reserving a venue for your show; you were extremely ambitious to live out your life-long dream of being on stage and giving the audience your very own show, you took in two part-time gigs to save up as much money as you could to budget for the whole event. 

Then, as soon as you booked your week for the theatre, you were restless for a month to elaborate the run-through of the performance. With some help from the right people, including your boyfriend's socialite father, news about your show spread like wildfire and attracting an audience was no longer an issue.

However, the closer you got to opening night, the higher the pressure became. Crunch time was fast approaching, and you've done whatever you could to keep your energy at its peak while rehearsing your ass off. You've come a long way these past couple of years, and the fire inside you was still going strong.

That is, if you ignored the minor mishaps that still managed to slip its way into the final run-throughs.

While you were dancing in the studio as usual, you tried to maintain the balance between controlling your breathing while keeping the rhythm of the beats within the music. Unfortunately, your footing lost sync with the latter, causing you to cuss out once again in frustration.

"Shit! Not again!" You hissed under your breath; panting heavily.

"Sounds to me like you need a breather, babe."

You instantly whipped your head around from the ground to meet your incredibly supportive boyfriend, Dick Grayson. He has been your rock throughout this journey of yours, and has continued to do so to this day. Knowing that you needed to keep your strength up, he bought you another cup of cappuccino from your favourite coffee shop; holding the cup in his hand and greeting you with a warm smile.

"Thanks, but no thanks." You say, making a move for your beverage as you continue to breathe audibly. "I only have less than a week, Dick. No more room for errors."

"I see your point, (Y/N), but I feel like you're going to wear yourself out if you keep pushing like this." He insisted, worry spread throughout his stormy blue eyes.

"I'm alright, baby. If you don't mind, maybe could you help me with this one part? It's a real pain in the ass and hard to master without a partner."

Although Dick was no ballerina of any sort, he did come from a family of famous acrobats. It was only pure luck that he's held on to those skills; despite the horrifying loss of his parents from his childhood. His flexibility and ability to physically contort his body to however he needed it to be made your rehearsals fairly easy. He didn't need to know your entire routine piece by piece, but he was able to understand basic concepts which definitely saved you plenty of time.

Mainly, whenever you needed assistance from your boyfriend, he would simply stand in the centre of the studio. As you passed by him, he'd either hold your hand as he gracefully twirled you around, or lift you off your feet with minimum effort.

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