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"You need to quit, Dick."

Ever since Lex Luthor had won the Presidential election, Blüdhaven has become one of the many cities that has been riddled with fascism. Luthor succeeded in subduing all superheroes and villains, either by allowing them to give up their ways or by extreme force. Because of this, innocent civillians have been dragged into prison due to the leader's ruthless regime.

Where does your boyfriend, Dick Grayson, come into play?

Knowing full well about your lover's vigilante identity, his mentor was cleary opposed to this motion and attempted to take Lex down. Unfortunately, his attempts backfired and led Batman to be incarcerated for his resistance, along with Justice League members Superman and Wonder Woman. During prosecution, Bruce has been deprived of all assets, leaving Dick with little to no income.

Wanting to protect the innocent, your boyfriend applied to work in the Blüdhaven Police Department as Officer Grayson; officially retiring from Nightwing. Little did he know, joining the police force meant playing under the rules of the law. Those laws enforced by the people in power; playing right into Luthor's hand.

However, the job was very well paying. The budgeting for police officers had a value equivalent to Bruce's fortune. Even if Dick wanted to quit, he wanted to financially support the both of you. You were working a full-time job as a barista, and it could barely afford a month's rent given the capitalist economic conditions.

"This again, (Y/N)?!" Dick roared in frustration. "You're like a broken record, always preaching the same damn shit!"

"If you just took my fucking advice for once, we wouldn't be having this conversation frequently!" You shouted, equally furiated. "Don't you dare act all high and mighty thinking I ask too much from you when you don't want me setting foot in any of the protests!"

"It's because I love you, damn it!" He argued, making hand gestures to emphasize. "How the hell am I supposed to keep you safe if you're out there, fighting us?!"

"We're not fighting you." You answered coldly. "The system has been fucked up ever since Luthor won the election! His dictatorship tainted the meaning of justice, we just want him out of office!"

"You're so naïve, (Y/N)." Dick said, exhausted. "Sweetheart, I'm doing this for you! So that I can protect you. If I quit my job, how am I supposed to take care of you?"

His hands cupped your cheeks. Panting from your heated argument, you stared right into his saddened blue eyes as tears threatened to stream down his face. In turn, your heart began to ache and your (E/C) eyes followed.

"I don't feel safe, Dick." You admitted; you voice shaking in fear. "Ever since Luthor locked up the heroes. I know you want to do the right thing but please understand that these aren't the rules of justice anymore. The law will bend to Luthor's will! This is something bigger than myself and if we don't do anything, more people will die. Be a lawyer, social worker, doctor, I don't care!"

Dick was speechless at your connfession. Tears streamed down your face as you continued to look at your boyfriend, silently begging for him to respond.

"You don't think I've wanted to quit ever since I killed for the first time?" Dick asked in a hurt tone. "Do you know how much it hurts; when people call you a bastard and calling you a complete failure at your occupation? It may not matter to someone who was only in it for the money, but it means a fucking lot to someone that lived and breathed justice."

At this point, he sobbed as much as you; trying to steady his breath as to not choke on his words: "Every night that you wrapped your tiny arms around me, it was because I could never stop tossing and turning at the nightmare I'm living. How am I supposed to face Bruce thinking that he'll never love me the same?"

"Please quit the department, Dick." You pleaded while crying. "You're losing yourself more and more each day and I can't bear witnessing it anymore. We're in this together, remember?"

"Unless if I lose you like I lost Bruce." He muttered under his breath. "As well as Jason, Damian, and Alfred. They died as real heroes. Tim and Barbara stepped down, Wally retired, Raven and Starfire left Earth believing it was a lost cause. You are the only one I have left, (Y/N)."

In this exact moment, Dick had wrapped an arm around the small of your back, pulling you into a possessive, yet loving embrace. You felt his hot tears fall into your silky (H/C) hair as he stroked your head, while you weeped straight into his chest.

"I'm sorry, love." You cried. "As much as it pains me, I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you an ultimateum."

Your boyfriend broke away from the hug, now looking at you in incredulousy.

"If you don't quit, Officer Grayson," You spoke with as little emotion as you could. "We're through."

To say the very least, Dick was stunned at your words. Despite his tarnished morality, you were the only person that kept him at his feet. To lose you would be his greatest failure, but the officer's cowardice held him in hesitation.

"No, no, no, (Y/N). Please don't do this." Dick begged, desperately grabbing your hands in his. The more you struggled to move away, the tighter his grip got; causing you to grow in fear. "I love you, I love you more than life itself, baby. Please don't make me choose between you and my job. I need you."

"No, you don't." You retaliated in a quiet tone. "I wouldn't have forced you into making this decision if you truly loved me."

"Why do you have to be so damn selfish, (Y/N)!" Dick yelled, enraged. He let go of your hands to slam his own onto the surface of the wall. You jolted, agitated towards your boyfriend's behavior.

Once you regained your courage, you applied enough strength to slap Dick across his face. There was a faint sting into your hand, but you didn't let it get to you.

"You're the selfish one, Dick!" You exclaimed. "Because I lost my boyfriend the day he surrendered to an evil man. You're nothing but a fucking coward!"

In the heat of the moment, Dick abrasively grabbed the sides of your face and slammed his fine lips onto yours. It was full of desparation, passion, and anger. Your eyes were flickered wide open as he kissed you; your boyfriend's eyelids were shut tight as his jet-black brows knitted together.

"Stay." He ordered after he pulled away from you. Dick was breathless, his hazy blue eyes trying to focus onto yours.

You shook your head, looking downwards as you tried to avoid his gaze.

"Are you going to give up the badge and gun?" You asked out between breaths.

After some further silence, Dick made his choice.

"No." He replied.

"Goodbye, Richard." You said coldly.

With the little energy you had left, you grabbed your backpack and coat, and walked out of your previously shared apartment; leaving your former lover to suffer with the actions he's made. Although you were tormented by severing your relationship, you knew there was nothing left to fight for. Dick Grayson died along with Nightwing and there was no hint of him ever returning.

As you departed onto the streets of Blüdhaven, you sniffled and wiped a tear away from your face before reaching into your pocket for your phone and dialed the number of a familiar friend.

"Oracle," You spoke into the reciever. "Give me the current status on the Stark Avenue protest."

"Police have just arrived onto the scene and are aggressively assaulting the civillians." Barbara responded. "Unless if we want another tear-gas situation, I suggest you get here ASAP, Bluebird."

"Affirmative. I'll be there in five."

Dick Grayson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now