Home Is Where The Heart Is

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Your eyelids begrudgingly fluttered open on the cold winter morning of Christmas Eve. In your drowsy state, you were still able to take note of the snowflakes that bordered your window frame; straight ahead in your direction. As beautiful as Blüdhaven looked in this time of year, you felt a bubbling sensation in the pit of your stomach and a small noticeable ache in your chest.

You weren't sick; in medical terms, that is. You have only moved out from your childhood home earlier this year, so this would be the first time you spent Christmas far from your family. It pained you, but you understood that it was only a fraction of becoming an adult. However, it didn't mean that you felt any less miserable.

Until an audible ping rang from your cellphone, notifying a text message from someone specific.

hey sweetheart, merry xmas (eve)! LOL

Who else would be texting you such things other than your dorky boyfriend, Dick Grayson.

thx lovebird, merry xmas eve to you too <3

aren't you supposed to be with the boys? thought you said you're spending the holidays with the fam :/

As much as you wanted to celebrate Christmas with your family, it wouldn't hurt to spend the next two days with your handsome partner; let alone any of the new friends you've acquainted yourself with in the past year.

Unfortunately, majority of those friends were Dick's as well, and the overprotective gentleman couldn't take the slightest risk leaving you alone with heroes; regardless of their company. Wally invited Artemis and her mother to his uncle, Barry Allen's, home to celebrate the occasion. "Roy" was who knows where, probably still searching for the original Roy Harper; Clark is most likely fully-booked with the intent to spend the holidays with Lois in Metropolis; Barbara's celebrating Christmas with her father, no doubt; and whoever didn't plan to be with their families, were all having a hero-dominated party in the watchtower.

bingo, babe. get ready, i'll be there in 15 ;)

Wait, say what now!?

wait... you're coming over?
dickiebird, wdym i have to get ready?
richard grayson, u better answer me right now!

Despite leaving your questions unanswered, you reluctantly change out of your pyjamas to take a shower, brush your teeth, and change into a comfy, yet cute outfit.

True to his word, the tall Romanian man arrived at the front door of your condo about fifteen minutes later. Like yourself, Dick was all bundled up in typical winter attire: a charcoal-hued pea coat, a navy blue Burberry-styled scarf, casual denim jeans, and black Timberland boots. His nose and cheeks tinted a faint red due to the weather and some snowflakes stop his unruly raven locks, as well as his shoulders didn't melt your heart as much compared to your boyfriend's loving smile. Him handing you a small gift box was simply a bonus.

"I know it isn't really Christmas yet, angel-face," He spoke, chuckling nervously afterwards. "but I want you to open it right now. I think you'll really love it, sunshine."

You gave a small grin to your lover's sweet gesture; nodding before taking the tiny box into your hands. Right as you unwrapped the present, a faint gasp escaped your lips as your eyes widened in astonishment.

It was a necklace created in ten-karat gold; the charm spelling out grayson in cursive lettering.

"Lovebird..." You say softly, your fingertips graze across the shiny metallic charm.

"I know you said that you weren't too picky with presents, (Y/N)..." Dick explained, rubbing the back of his neck nervously as he averted his gaze away from you; Atlantic blue eyes darting all around your home. "I still wanted to get you something really special. I love you so much, angel, and I wanted to express it as much as I can."

Dick Grayson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now