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"Crap! Babs is so gonna kill me for this!"

Looking at you with azure eyes filled with an equal amount of panic and confusion as yours, eighteen year old Dick Grayson grabs ahold of your shoulders; forcing you to look right back at him. Since midnight had struck, you were really looking forward to recreating the 'Creation of Adam' with Jason and remain in that pose for a twenty-four-hour period.

Yet, alas, fate had other plans for you. Because when you found yourself still able-bodied while your redheaded best friend was the one rendered motionless instead, which could only mean one thing:

Your best friend's boyfriend is your soulmate.

But, how is it possible? It's not like you had any previous connection with the first Boy Wonder before. Sure, he's always looked out for you, but so has Bruce and Jason; you were a close acquaintance to the Waynes, after all.

"(Y/N), (Y/N)! Stop!" Dick exclaims, his grip stays on your shoulders. "Everything's gonna be alright, okay? Look at me, everything's gonna be just fine."

While trying to steady your breath, as well as sorting out your thoughts, you heed the acrobat's words and stare directly into his ocean irises; a faint blush manages to rise to your cheeks as you begin to feel yourself being absorbed by them. That, along with his soothing voice.

When enough silence has passed, noting that you have recollected yourself, Dick slowly removes his hands from your shoulders and you place a hand to your chest; still trying to process the events that have suddenly unraveled not even five minutes prior.

"So... you're my soulmate, huh?" you tried to joke as a weak attempt to break the tension.

"Babs is definitely not gonna like that." he comments before planting his butt on a recliner and burying his face into his hands. "When she wakes up, she'll know without a doubt we aren't soulmates... and we were so sure about it too."

When you hear the disappointment in Dick's voice, you feel uneasy from the pits of your stomach. The realization of you finally finding your soulmate was the farthest thing in your mind, and all you could focus on was the guilt that your best friend truly loved Dick... only to find out that the person he was meant to be with was... you. On the bright side, at least it takes away the remaining year of curiosity of whom the universe chose to put you up with.

"Maybe... when the twenty-four hours are up... we can find a way to convince her that you did spend the whole day together? Exactly as you two planned it?" you suggested, but with of uncertainty in your tone.

"That's a good idea in theory, (Y/N)." he replied, standing up from the recliner. "It's just a matter of how we plan to pull it off."

After more seconds of silence have passed by, the cliché metaphorical lightbulb had went off in your mind and you find yourself leaving the living room of the Wayne Manor to grab something from your purse in the coat room. You walk back, sporting a grin as you hold up a disposable camera.

"You tell her that you wanted a little souvenir from the night you two have found your soulmates." you say, this time with confidence and enthusiasm laced in your words.

"(Y/N), you're a genius!" Dick beams, scooping your small frame into his big, muscular arms as he twirls you around.

Before you know it, you are walking around the streets of Gotham with your soulmate... carrying his girlfriend in his arms.

"Thanks for being so cool about this, by the way," the ink-haired man says to you while carrying a motionless Barbara Gordon in his arms, bridal-style. "I don't think a lot of people would take lightly to the idea of their soulmates dating someone else."

Dick Grayson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now