Secret Identity

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"(Y/N), I'm pansexual."

You were speechless, to say the very least. Your boyfriend, Dick Grayson had just confided his sexuality to you, and you remained in silence until you mustered up the courage to clear your throat and speak.

"Oh..." You softly muttered under your breath. You interally cursed yourself at not finding any other words to say.

"I know this might be a bit overwhelming for you, babe,"

"No, it's alright, Dick." You reassured, interrupting him. "I'm still very much whelmed."

Your vigilante boyfriend let out a husky chuckle; amused at you using his trademarked joke.

"So you can be attracted to anyone, regardless of gender?" You asked. Of course you weren't an expert, but you wanted to try your best to support Dick. As cheesy as it sounds, there really aren't enough words to express your love for that dork.

He nodded in confirmation: "I guess it's the most standard way to address it. Yeah, gender isn't really a determining factor when it comes to attraction; romantic or sexual."

"In other words, not bi?"

"Hell no." Dick answered sternly. "Jason purposely claims that I'm bisexual just to piss me off, or think I'm into cooking utensils. We can save that conversation for another day."

"Looking forward to that, Grayson." You said with a smirk.

"Are you sure you're absolutely alright with this, babe?" Your boyfriend asked. "This isn't typical news that you can brush off."

"Of course," You replied, taking one of your boyfriend's big rough hands into your smaller ones. "I'm so thankful that you trust me enough to tell me the truth. I would never want to make you uncomfortable enough that you couldn't confide in me."

"What a relief." Dick said. "Usually my previous girlfriends would be confused by it. At first, they are accepting, but then with time they start to question themselves. Most of the time it's typically about if they were a gender outside of their own and if I would still love them the same. Unfortunately, no matter how many times I tried to comfort them and let them know that it didn't matter, they'd eventually call it quits. They swore it had nothing to do with my sexuality, but we both knew they all wouldn't consider such thoughts if I never told them in the first place."

"I'm so sorry, Dick." You spoke with sympathy in your voice. "You didn't deserve to be treated like that, and I'll make damn sure that you won't be treated like that from now on."

As your boyfriend's heart swelled up with even more love for you, Dick instantly wrapped his arms around your body; bringing you into a crushing embrace.

"There was a million reasons why I love you so much, (Y/N)." He admitted. "Now, it's a million plus one."

A soft chuckle emitted from your lips, returning your goofy boyfriend's hug.

"I love you too, Dick." You replied.

"I'm still curious as to how you're so freakishly calm about this, though." The vigilante spoke; pulling away from the hug and grabbing you by the shoulders. "I was originally expecting it to be a late reaction but this is driving me crazy, babe."

You simply laughed at the jet-black haired man's words.

"When your boyfriend tells you that he's secretly a vigilante, the first and former sidekick to the Batman, and your superhero celebrity crush, you start to lose the shock factor." You explain; rolling your eyes and giving Dick a smug grin.

"Ouch, love." He commented, mockingly putting a hand to his chest to mimic a heartache. "Are you inferring that I'm predictable? I'm insulted."

Right after his words, your blue-eyed boyfriend took a dramatic huff and began to storm off. You knew he was joking the moment you called him to come back, which didn't even take long for you to do.

"I might've gotten some hints from Jay, Tim, and Damian." You added, tugging onto Dick's arm. "If I had a nickel for every time they joked about you sleeping with everyone-"

"I thought I was being subtle!" A younger male voice shouted out of sight; offended by what you said.

"You may be a lot of things, Tim!" You yelled back to the boy behind Red Robin. "But Steph and I both know that subtle ain't one of them! Don't make me recall the 'furry' scandal!"

Dick boasted in laughter at your retaliation. It was an incident that was desperately begged by the smart young man to never be brought up again.

"Shut up, (Y/N)!" Tim snapped back. "You never hear me talking about your Nightwing kinks!"

Your cheeks immediately flushed red. So, maybe Dick didn't know everything about you.

"Nightwing what, now?" The eldest batboy asked, bewildered at his younger brother's comeback.

You let out a nervous giggle at Dick's question. Turning away from the direction of Tim's voice and into your boyfriend's, you rub the nape of your neck to avoid his gaze.

"I know that to keep some time-balance in our relationship, we agreed to keep Nightwing on the streets," You speak. "But there's something different when the hero's in the sheets."

At first, Dick's eyes widened at your confession; he clearly didn't expect his girlfriend to be aroused by his superhero alter-ego. Then again, the charming playboy had to admit that being in a full-body spandex suit left little to the imagination. He wanted to test that theory.

Scooping you from the ground and being brought into your lover's arms, bridal style, Dick carried you to his bedroom as quick as he could before rapidly locking the door and pinning your arms onto the sheeted mattress.

"I know what we're doing tonight." Dick whispered into your ear in a dangerously low voice.

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