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"So, tell me why we're going to some coffee shop again?"

"Bart, buddy," Dick speaks, patting the back of the redhead's back. "if you've never been to Sandbar, let alone heard of them, you've clearly missed out on some important history lessons."

"Well, I guess if you speak so highly of this café," Bart says with minor uncertainty. "it wouldn't hurt to try out their drinks at least once."

"That's the spirit, dude!" The ink black-haired man beamed, a toothy grin plastered across his face.

The moment the two young heroes enter Sandbar, there was a young woman in particular who unknowingly caught Bart's attention. Utilizing some of his detective skills, Dick follows the younger boy's gaze; to which your eyes meet one another.

You instantly grin in the young man's direction, giving a quick wave; prompting him to smile and wave back to you. However, Dick's eyes gradually become half-lidded and his smile spread wide in a goofy sense; not that you could tell from afar, though.

"Now I know why we came here." Bart teased, shooting Dick a knowing smirk. "Dude, if you wanted us to visit your wife, you should've said so!"

The raven haired man locked his lovestruck mood on you, simply nodding at the teenager with no regard to the context he's said. All he was able to make out was the mere mentioning of you as his wife, which was not far from the truth; at least, in how he perceives you to be.


You call, keeping your eyes on the cash register.

"That's us, Dick!" Bart said. "Come on, Casanova!"

You let out a small giggle; hiding your amusement behind your hand as you saw the redheaded boy drag your friend towards the front till.

"How can I help you boys today?" You ask, giving the pair a smug grin.

"Two of whatever Romeo, here, usually orders." Bart speaks on behalf of himself and Dick; the latter currently smitten by your presence, taking the reality of his situation in.

"Sure thing, kid." You say, unfazed by the charming teenager's remark.

Anyways, you've known Dick long enough to expect this kind of mannerism from him. Although he's always been portrayed as a flirt, it seems as if he goes on full throttle whenever the playboy's around you, or can't keep himself whelmed enough to get a word past you. 

"Okay so, two large Caramel Macchiatos. That'll be $9.50, fellas." You speak as you enter their orders into the system. "Cash or card?"

"Dopey's paying." Bart motions to Dick; giving the blue-eyed fool light nudges to his arm.

A snicker escapes your lips; knowing full well that this hasn't been the first instance that the onyx-haired man was stuck in this state.

"Let me handle this."

You lean a little closer over the till, bringing your hands to each side of Dick's face. You softly stroke your thumbs along the hung up man's jawline; causing the clueless playboy to let out a husky chuckle in response.

"Dick..." You spoke in that particular tone that made young man's knees weak. "You're going to have to pay for the drinks if you really want them. You're gonna hold up the line, you dork."

For some weird reason, beyond yours' and Bart's comprehension, Dick finally listens and calmly regains his composure. He reaches for his wallet and pulls out a card to pay for the beverages. Once he finished paying, the two boys move to the opposite side to pick up the drinks.

Dick Grayson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now