Yule Ball

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You were in your fourth year of Hogwarts and there was no doubt of who you were planning to go with. Not only has he become your best friend since the first year at the school, but the pair of you have been dating for quite a while; just a few moments shy of becoming an official couple.

Dick really does live up to his name, huh? Because he sure is taking his sweet time mustering up the courage to ask you to the fast-approaching Yule Ball.

With each day passing by, your girl-friends were getting swept off their feet, one by one, with dashing dates for the formal event. It's not like you didn't try to get him to ask you out, you felt that it was implied since the two of you seemed to be at the same page. Heck, you even dropped hints that were so obvious, students around you would internally or physically wince whenever Dick's denseness blinded him from getting the clue.

He was such a natural investigator too. The second-hand embarrassment you'd receive from your ink-haired best friend would give you enough frustration to resist strangling the life out of him.

Now, only days away from the holidays, you swallowed your pride and walked around the halls of Hogwarts to find Dick and finally set the record straight.

"Dick! There you are!"

Once you spotted him out, you ran up to him with a big smile on your face as he had his arms spread wide; ready to capture you in his embrace. Chuckling at your giddiness, Dick scooped you off the ground and spun you around for a bit before placing you back down. His left-hand fingers grazed the side of your face after tucking a strand of loose hair from your face; the other still wrapped around your waist.

"You really are a sight for sore eyes, you know, (N/N)?" He says fondly, causing you to blush and snicker sheepishly. "What's going on?"

"So... I'm sure you know what day's coming up, right?" You ask, averting his cerluean-eyed gaze in nervousness.

"Um... yeah! R-Right. Of course I do!" Dick stammers, a bit of red flushes his cheeks as he realizes exactly what you were talking about.

"Uh... great! Did you have any plans for the night?"

"Y-Yeah! Bruce is expecting me back at the manor for Christmas..." Your best friend answers reluctantly; taking his hand away from your face to rub the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Are you... staying here for the holidays?"

He cannot be serious right now.

"Yeah, I am." You say dejectedly. "So, Bruce wouldn't let you stay at Hogwarts this time?"

"Sorry, beautiful. I tried asking him, but he wouldn't budge." Dick apologizes, bringing both of his hands to cup your cheeks. You tried very hard to fight it, but a hot tear escapes from the corner of your eye; to which the Hufflepuff wipes away with his thumb, "If you want, I could pull some strings so you could come to the manor with me-"

"No." You interrupt him, glaring daggers at him as your voice shook with angst.

"No?" He questions, taken aback. "Baby, I know it's been hard spending the holidays with your family and all, so I understand why you want to stay, but-"

"No, Grayson!" You snap at him, pushing him away from you completely. "I thought for once, you'd want to be with me for the holidays! It's the freaking Yule Ball, Dick! You're the only guy I want to go with, and I thought you'd actually stay with me for once! Guess I was wrong, because clearly it hasn't registered in your mind at all that I wanted to spend the holidays with you!"

Dick Grayson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now