More Than Just a Playboy to Me II

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Weeks have passed, yet your opinion of the playboy has not changed since the last time you have crossed paths. Ever since your heart-to-heart with Selina, you steered clear of Dick's way. However, whenever the both of you happen to be in the same room, there would be the occasional stolen glances caused by none other than the popular guy himself.

"Have you heard the news!?" Barbara squealed as she approached you. The fiery redhead was somewhat more optimistic and giddy today than usual.

"What news?" You ask in return, continuing to fill out your schoolwork.

"Rumour has it, Dick Grayson's going to ask one lucky girl to the school dance!" Your friend answered excitedly. Although you saw through Dick's façade, it was no secret that your dear friend Barbara Gordon had a soft spot in her heart dedicated to the ocean-eyed boy.

"As riviting as that sounds, Babs," You speak up in a sarcastic remark. "I have more important matters to deal with that's beyond who will be the hopeless chick that Grayson's taking to the dance."

Barbara simply shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes until she caught sight of something, someone different coming from behind you.

Man, if Babs' jaw dropped any lower, a fly might actually make its way right into her mouth. You thought, feeling rather amused.

"Well, I wouldn't necessarily call my date hopeless, for one thing."

You turned around to figure out the source of the fairly masculine voice. Once you were able to indentify the person, you crossed your arms and turned yourself around once more; irritated.

"What? No reply?" Dick spoke. "I'm hurt."

Barbara wasn't at all pleased with your behavior. In turn, she grabbed onto your shoulders to face the playboy by force.

"Alright, I'll play along." You say, looking as if you wanted desperately to be anywhere else but here; probably because that's what you really wanted. "What do you want, Grayson?"

Dick's cheeks flushed into a faint pink shade; he brought his hand to the nape of his neck, and scratched it a bit as he continued to stare at you.

"Um... I bet you're already well-aware of the school dance coming up tonight..." Dick chuckled, attempting to mask his nervousness. "Anyways, (Y/N), I was wondering if you would like to go to the dance with me?"

"No." You answered, not at all hesitant to reply.

The jet-black haired boy was dumbfounded with your straightforward response.

"No?" He repeated.

"Yes." You replied.

"Yes?" Dick asked eagerly.

"No, now stop that!" You said, growing a bit frustrated with the confusing exchange.

As if it was called on cue, the bell rang for classes to end. You swifty packed away your stuff into your bag and walked out of the classroom with Barbara; actually, grabbing her hand to bring her out.

"I can't believe you rejected Dick Grayson!" Barbara exclaimed incredulously. "The Dick Grayson asked you to the dance, and all you said was no?!"

"I really don't see what's the big deal, Babs," You say. "Just because Grayson asked me to the dance, doesn't mean I'm automatically obligated to accept his proposal."

"He asked you to marry him?!"

"What the hell, no! Besides, I don't want to go with him. I honestly don't know if I want to go to the dance in the first place."

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