More Than Just a Playboy to Me IV

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"It's over Kitty, give it up!"

You hear the young sidekick known as Robin shout as he chases you across the city of Gotham.

"Gotta catch me first, bird-brain!" You yell back; not angrily, but rather playfully. "Whoa!"

Unfortunately, you were distracted long enough to lose your footing; causing you to trip on yourself and crash onto a rooftop surface. Robin slowed down when he was finally reached in a good range to subdue you. He pounced onto you the moment he caught sight of your vulnerable state and pinned both of your wrists to the ground, giving you a devious smirk while you struggled to bring yourself back up.

"Let me go!" You yelled in a bit of frustration.

"My hands are tied, Kitty-Cat." He teased, leaning dangerously low to your face. "Do the crime, do the time."

"Come on, Grayson," You bargained. "I'm like your age, could you give me a break?"

Robin looked out into the distance; pondering in thought as he remained to keep your claws secured. He let go of your wrists and held your hands instead, your fingers intertwined with his own as he looked back into your (E/C) eyes.

"In one condtion." The sidekick remarked. Having no other choice but to comply, you sighed in surrender. "Remove the mask."

"Huh?" You reacted, taken aback by his command. "Why-"

"I just like to be fair, I guess." Robin answered, shrugging his shoulders.

"Okay, okay." You said in defeat. "If you say so."


As if it were called on cue, your best friend Barbara Gordon, currently suited up as Batgirl called you out; granting you enough time to break free of Robin's grasp and escape without further complications. You remained close enough to eavesdrop on the heroes' interaction.

"Come on, Batgirl," Robin whined. "I had Catgirl right there! I know you're new and all, but I've dealt with this crook for years now. I didn't need your help."

"Everybody needs help, Robin." Batgirl replied with empathy in her voice. "Why do you think the Bat called us down here to take care of Catgirl? Besides, I'm pretty sure if I left you two alone, Batman wouldn't be too happy knowing you're flirting with the enemy."

Robin was confounded at Batgirl's teasing remark. Shaking his head to dismiss the thought, he started to walk away.

"That's ridiculous. Also, you might want to reconsider that statement because Bats and Catwoman are constantly having angry eye-sex in combat."

"Takes one to know one, Rob!" The red-haired heroine yells as the sidekick continues to walk farther away.

You jump right back onto the scene once Robin is out of range, so you can have another heart-to-heart with Batgirl.

"We could've been a team, Babs." You joked with a sly grin. "What happened to chicks before dicks? Literally?"

"And put my dad's reputation at risk? No thank you." Barbara answered. "Speaking of Dick, have you heard that he and Kory broke up? That means the playboy's available~" She sang the latter sentence of her added response.

"I know! Now maybe Dick and I can finally get together!" You said blissfully.

However, Barbara took notice of a bunch of television sets in a nearby electronics store; and what was put on display was certainly disheartening.

"Or... Not." She said, turning you to face in her direction. You saw the raven-haired playboy on the screens alongside Zatanna Zatara, and the two of them looked too close for comfort. "Sorry, (Y/N)."

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