Kiss The Cook

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To say that your husband was full of surprises, even after many years of knowing each other, was simply an understatement; to say the very least. Though Dick Grayson had been often secretive, your respect for him allowed you to be content with that fact. You always understood when he insisted that he had his reasons, so you never felt the urge to pry into his privacy.

Yet, even now, knowing exactly about his vigilante alias, Dick could never break the habit of seldom sparing you any excess details regarding that area of his lifestyle; be it the life-threatening risks of his missions, or the near-death encounters. At least, you understood that your spouse has only kept those occurrences from you without malice. Instead, you could only admire the former boy wonder even more, knowing that what he does is to protect you and your son.

Besides your husband, you found another love of your life by the name of John Alfred Grayson; your three-year old son. He took more after his father, seeing that he really was the spitting image of Dick. As nervous as your lover was with the mere idea of becoming a father, never a doubt had crossed your mind. Not much to his surprise, however; given that your dynamic as a married couple tends to mimic the 'Mr. Right and Mrs. Always Right' vibe.

Although he has grown to be more confident in his parenting abilities nowadays, it's pretty unfortunate that your sweetheart of a husband could never shake off some of those insecurities of his.

It was a fairly uneventful night in Blüdhaven, which was quite a lot to say, especially for someone who has either lived through all the horrors and crime-ridden atmosphere of the city or was lucky enough to have only heard of them.

It was only around four in the morning when you stirred up from the faint sounds of clanging and rattling outside of your bedroom. You were ever so sure that your husband fell asleep with you earlier in the night, given that he wasn't on-call from the department and he didn't have much of a reason to go out on patrol tonight. Regardless, you woke up to the emptiness of his side of your shared bed, but you could feel his warmness that lingered within the sheets, which meant that it shouldn't have been long since Dick had gotten up.

Your first instinct was to check up on John, in case if Dick had to tend to him, but the scent of smoking butter from your kitchen urged you otherwise. It wasn't threatening enough for you to jolt out of bed and deactivate the smoke alarm, but you knew much better than to sleep it off and let your partner handle it all on his own.

Kind of seems weird to use the stove, all for a bowl of cereal. you say to yourself, immediately thinking that your spouse was craving a midnight snack; something you had grown to expect from the early days of your domesticate life together.

So, you push yourself up and out of your king-sized bed; already missing the feeling of being swaddled by your comforter as you were met with the swift coolness of the bedroom. To compensate, you drape a throw blanket around your frame before exiting into the hallway of your apartment and making your way to your kitchen.

"Babe, what's going on?" you grumble with a hoarse voice, sauntering towards Dick. You rub your eyes as your vision was slightly irritated by the light's brightness.

"Oh! Don't worry 'bout it, (Y/N). Just head back to bed." he answers, his voice cracks a bit once he notices that he must've accidentally caused you to wake up. Dick, then, walks you down the hallway; not even letting you fully register the recipe book, bowl of ground beef, burger buns, chopped vegetables, and condiments. "Nothing to see here."

"I thought we talked about you cooking-"

"You're just half-asleep, honey. I'm just grabbing some Fruit Loops, then I'll join you again in a bit." Dick interrupts you; his footsteps quicken a little to avert your concerns.

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