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"Doll, please answer the door! I wanna make things right!"

Cradling yourself into a fetal position on the floor against the inside of your apartment door, you bite your bottom lip as you try your best to hold back tears. Unfortunately, you could already find your body betraying you since your vision had been growing more and more blurry due to the water welling up in your eyes.

"If you wanna make things right, then leave, Grayson!" you roar, refusing to turn your head to face the door. "And I told you, stop calling me Doll!"

It was no longer necessary of him to remind you of the only thing you were to him. A doll. A mere plaything. You were foolish to be strung along with every word, every lie he's ever told you.

"Doll- I mean (Y/N), please! I know I screwed up, can we just talk things out? I'll never forgive myself for letting myself hurt you the way I did."

Then at least we can agree on one thing. you think in retaliation, focusing on the latter of your former 'lover's' pleas.

"Beautiful, please," you hear Dick choke from the hallway. "I don't want you to be hurt anymore."

After a brief moment of reconsideration, you sighed in defeat once you made your decision. One you'll probably left, but it's not like you have much to lose now.

Standing up from the floor, you take a deep shaking breath before you bring your hands to the metal doorknob and lock. The sound of clicking causing Dick's ears to perk a bit in enthusiasm. However, the faint smile on the former boy wonder's face quickly turned into one of slight fear as you gripped a fistful of his shirt to roughly pull him to meet you at eye level.

"My turf, my rules." you sneered lowly; looking at him with a combination of annoyance and disgust. "I ask whatever I want, and you answer with nothing short of complete honesty. I sense the slightest bit of bull from your lips, and you're out. We never speak again, not even a single wave or nod on the street. Nothing more than strangers to each other. Clear?"


"But there is a problem, Jaime Reyes. The Kid Flash and Flashette are in danger. Their slower speed are making them an escape valve for the chrysalis energy. In sixteen seconds, one of them will cease."

"Cease? Cease what?"

A blood-curdling scream was enough to answer Blue Beetle's question as you could feel a surge of chrysalis energy strike you from behind.

"(Y/N)!" you hear your brother yell in distress. "You need to get out, or we're both not gonna make it!"

Despite his protest, you remained silent and continued to run. The both of you had started this life together, and you weren't at all opposed to the idea of ending your adventures in the same fashion. So, this is it. The Flash's proteges were going to leave the world as heroes.

Or, so you thought.

"(Y/N), you and Dick stay whelmed for me, alright?"


Suddenly, you lost your footing as you tumble out of the speed trail; gratefully caught by none other than Nightwing himself. Though you originally figured that your close friend would let you go and give you enough time to aid your family with the chrysalis, instead you felt the strong pair of arms wrap tightly around you; holding you in place.

"Nightwing, let me go!" you cry out, thrashing yourself to wriggle out of his arms. "They need me! Wally needs me! Let go!"

But he didn't. Nightwing simply held you in his arms; his view locked onto the chrysalis.

Dick Grayson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now