Be Mine

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Today was Valentine's Day, however, in your opinion, was just a cheap excuse to not think about work or any other related obligations. You didn't hate the holiday, but then again, you never really seen it as a holiday. Like, kids are still required to attend school if it was a weekday, and it's not a valid excuse for your boss to let you take the day off work.

However, in your case, having a significant other sounded like a golden ticket if it mean you wouldn't need to zeta to Mount Justice for once.

"Recognized. (S/N), B05."

"Happy single awareness day to all my pringles out here!" You hollered upon entry to the cave. "In that case, no Wally, no Artemis, no M'gann, no Con, no Zatanna, and no Rob!"

A growl coming from the couch suddenly caught your attention. Seems like you've spoken too soon.

"Whoa... someone clearly got up from the wrong side of the bed today." You joked nervously, rubbing the back of your neck as you slowly walked towards the sofa, to find a frowning Boy Wonder in civvies staring into the television as if he was burning holes through the screen. His arms were crossed and his fists clenched as he let out a quick huff in response.

So wait... there's an angry bird boy here, but no mage? You asked in thought. That means... oh, Rob...

Your facial features dropped instantly at the realization of your friend's situation. Without a second thought, you sat down beside the dejected hero and placed a hand on his shoulder. Although he initially flinched from the unexpected contact, Robin's shoulders sulked as his facial features saddened.

"I take it she didn't wanna be your valentine?"

"I don't get it, (S/N). I thought we were on the same page! We just clicked so well, but... but... she found someone else." Robin replied.

That bitch! You fumed internally. Though you were mad at the cyan-eyed girl, you were more miserable at the sight of your heartbroken friend as he leaned forward to rest his elbows against his knees; burying his face into his hands as he groaned in despair.

"Oh birdie... I'm so sorry this happened to you. I could never imagine anyone being cruel enough to break your heart. Just, forget about Zee, okay? What she did was so not asterous of her."

A small grin made its way to your face as soon as you heard a faint chuckle escape Robin's lips; even though his face was still buried in his hands.

"Thought you said my lingo was ridiculous." He commented, sitting back up to face you.

"It made you smile, so I guess there's still some unexplored potential." You say, your grin turning into a smirk afterwards.

Out of the blue, an idea popped into your head. You weren't certain it would cheer up the former sidekick, but it didn't hurt to try.

"Hey Rob... there's not much activity on the radar today, right?"

"Um, yeah, I guess." The boy wonder replies with confusion laced in his voice.

"Well, I know it's not much of a consolation, but... would you like to spend the day out?"

"(S/N), you don't have to take me out on a pity date-"

"Oh, it's not! Just thought it would be good for you to get some fresh air. You obviously need to get your mind off of her, Robin. Plus, I can bet it'll make you feel a million times better than just sinking your butt into the couch cushions. Come on, please!"

"I really don't think I feel traught enough to-"

A mouth-made buzzing noise that left your lips abruptly cuts off your friend's words.

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