Caught In The Act | NSFW

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It has been two weeks. Two agonizingly miserable weeks since you have seen your best friend, Dick Grayson, last. Even though you clearly understood the reason for his absence, it didn't spare you from the fact he's been running through your mind. As if it was easy to forget his charming pearly-white teeth as he grinned, the sounds he emitted from his husky chuckles, his well-groomed jet black hair, his bold electric blue eyes, or his strong muscular Romanian figure.

Yup, you were certainly a goner for him. Who else would've been able to resist his playboy pick-up lines... Or that ass. Although you were able to calculate every bit of his moves, from flirting to fighting, you couldn't help that warm fuzzy feeling from growing inside you every time you were with Dick.

At times, you couldn't deny the gradual lust that came along with your crush on the billionaire playboy's adopted kin. He was sex on a stick, and after those couple of weeks of being deprived of his toned abs and god-like ass, your cravings couldn't be ignored for a single moment longer.

Tired from a painfully long day at work, you immediately toss your keys on the kitchen counter as you enter your apartment. The moment you turn the shower on, your once tense body loosens up as the warm water droplets slid downwards against your body; past every curve of your womanly figure.

Wanting to feel less restrictive when you reach your bedroom, you carelessly grab a clean, loose (F/C) nightgown with spaghetti straps; brimmed with lace at the bottom which stopped mid-thigh along with a pair of (F/C) panties. The second you lay on your queen-sized bed, you allow your eyes to close; thinking of your handsome best friend, missing his prescence and being in his embrace.

That... Along with the feeling of having your body pressed against his own; as if it felt like two puzzle pieces that were meant to be together, to say the least. You wonder what it would be like to know if he was here with you right now. Not just laying in bed, not cuddling, but something more intimate underneath the sheets.

You fantazised about the raven-haired officer running his hands down your sides, entering one of those calloused fingers into your dripping core; hot and aching for his touch. In his absence, you replicate the actions of your imaginary lover as you slid a finger into the waistband of your panties, dragging your fingertip against your wet folds before encircling it around your aroused clitoris. You let out a heavy moan as you continued indulging in your sensual partially-conscious dream.

However, it wasn't enough for you since your pulsing womanhood was craving to be filled in more. You replace your pointer finger with your thumb to run across your clit, as you allowed your pointer and middle finger to pump your hole; releasing louder moans as you begin to discard your soaked undergarments, throwing them to some corner of the room and making your scents of arousal fill the atmosphere of your bedroom.


You pull up your nightgown to further expose your pussy, with the addition of your breasts; revealing your erect nipples to the crisp, bedroom air.

Being completely intoxicated to the thought of Dick in such a provocative manner, you proceed to think about what he would to do you in this moment. You become more turned on as you imagined him giving you dirty talk, letting him calling you his whore, threatening to pound into you senseless until you feel paralyzed from the waist down the morning after.

"Fuck... Dick!" You scream to the ceiling, disregarding the fact that you had neighbors that lived beside, above, and below you.

"More... I need more!" You say, panting. Using your free hand, you reach into one of the drawers of your bedside table and quickly pull out a nine-inch (F/C) vibrator, as you imagined the size of your vigilante best friend to be. You felt strong vibrations fill your hand as soon as you flipped the switch, turning it on.

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