First Day Of My Life

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Dick Grayson has lived quite a routine-esque kind of life ever since he was adopted by Bruce Wayne and took an oath to protect the innocent people of Gotham. Don't get him wrong, the first days of his vigilante career were a very significant milestone in his life; he'll never forget the joy that filled his heart when he first helped Batman put the bad guys behind bars. After the death of his biological parents, John and Mary Grayson, young Dick questioned his identity. What legacy could he bring to the Flying Graysons when two of its most well-known members have been taken by bloodshed?

It was a simple, yet subtle solution. Dick flew in a different direction. It wasn't an act for Haly's Circus, but something that still pleased the crowd nonetheless.

He became Robin, the Boy Wonder.

Dick lived a very eventful life. He grew up in the care of superheroes as he got older to become one himself. From the Titans to Nightwing, his life finally felt complete.

Nowadays, between Nightwing and Officer Grayson, Dick finds it harder and harder to recall the last time he really was Dick. In the hero's eyes, the past year hasn't felt anything more eventful aside from his two jobs. He was grateful for the blessings that life has given him, but the predictable aspect of it numbed him to his core.

That was, until he met you.

(Y/N) (L/N). The person that revived Dick Grayson. Not as a figure of authority or justice, just a regular human individual.

As Dick took his first step into the hallway outside of his apartment, something different caught the corner of his eye in his black-and-white filled world. Someone different; colorful, even.

"Hey!" You called from further down the hall, brushing off a strand of your (H/C) hair to see clearly. "Could you help me with this lock? I just moved in here, and the key's being real stubborn with me right now."

Dick let out a soft chuckle, but from your distance, you couldn't tell. All you could notice was that he gave you the most genuine smile you have ever seen on a person's face.

"Sure," Dick replied, approaching you. "Nice to meet you, neighbour."

Unlike you, Dick was more calm and patient while trying to unlock the front door of your apartment. That same, dopey smile was still plastered on his face, and you couldn't ignore that small jump your heart made when his ocean-blue eyes looked back at you when he turned his head back to face you. Dick humorously gestured towards the now-open door, motioning you to walk inside. You felt a bit of heat rising to your cheeks as you walked inside, collected your keys, and thanked your next-door neighbour for his help.

"T-Thank you," You stuttered, trying to get the words out. You stretched out your last word, realizing you never got his name.

"Dick. Dick Grayson." He replied, holding his hand out to shake yours. "And you?"

"(Y/N) (L/N)." You say confidently with a small grin on your face; taking his hand in yours.

"Well, I'd hate to cut this little meet-and-greet short," Dick admits as he takes back his hand to rub the nape of his neck nervously. "But I have to get to work soon or my boss will have my ass."

You giggled a bit at his over-exaggerated joke, but nodded in understanding anyways.

"Okay then. Thanks again, Dick." You said. As Dick waves off to you walking backwards, you slowly close the door as you return the motion.

"See you later, (Y/N)!"

From that point on, every moment of your friendship was an adventure to Dick. There were many trials of uncertainty that occurred between the two of you; in the best and worst ways. The both of you has always felt a strong connection in each other, ever since the day you met when you moved into the apartment next to his. Dick kept visiting your place so often, eventually you agreed to letting him move in with you.

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