Enchanted by You

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"Hey, Rob," Greeted Wally West; best friend of the boy wonder. "Not to ruin your aster but, whatcha doing on the couch watching Con's favourite show? You good, bud?"

The ink-haired boy simply let out a dopey chuckle in response, his eyes refusing to break away from the static-filled screen.

"Totally whelmed, Wall. Why you ask?"

"Well, for starters," The redhead inched closer, taking in Robin's goofy-like features. "You're laughing at static on a television. You've been anything but whelmed for the past few weeks, and now suddenly, you're mellow!? Nuh-uh. Something's going on."

"Uh-huh." The younger boy nodded, no longer paying attention to his best pal.

After some seconds of silence, Wally pounced onto Robin; forcefully balling parts of his civvies shirt into his fists.

"Rob, did someone drug you!?" The green-eyed teenager asked incredulously. "Actually... are you doing drugs!?"

"What the..." Robin spoke back, perplexed. "Get off me, man!"

The now-aggravated boy wonder abruptly pushed away Wally, who landed to the ground with a thud. Robin dusted himself off, walked away from the television, and into the kitchen.

By the time the younger ex-sidekick was about to grab a water bottle from the refrigerator, Wally picked himself off the carpeted ground and sped into the kitchen as well; preventing his buddy to shut the fridge door so he could get a snack for himself.

"You're acting pretty off, that's all." The redhead commented in muffles as he chowed down a chilled pre-made ham sandwich.

"Well, you may call it pretty off, Wall," The boy in the shades spoke, shutting the fridge door. "but can't I just be in love without being jumped on?"

With those words, Wally's eyes widened as he quirked an eyebrow in speculation. He knew his best friend had his eyes on a certain someone for quite a while, but it never caused the boy wonder to drop his aster whatsoever.

"Glad to hear that bud, but, what did (S/N) do to get you off your high horse?"

"(S/N)? What are you talking about, man?"

"Um, that girl you realized you were in love with for the past month? The same girl you annoyingly talk my ear off every day in here whenever no one's around? The same girl you've been planning to leave Zatanna for this past week? That (S/N)?!"

Practically inches away from Robin, the shorter young man takes a step back in a calm demeanor.

"Wally, I'm not in love with (S/N). I don't know what's going on with you, but she's one of my best friends and nothing more." He replied bluntly. "Whoever told you this, they're lying. I would never leave Zatanna. She's my girlfriend, dude."

So, is Dick lying now? Or was he lying before? Wally pondered in thought. Something must be wrong with him, he wouldn't ever speak like this.

"You know what, just forget about it. Probably a rumour anyways..." The speedster waved off. "Is it possible if we could drop by the Watchtower? Need to pick up something."

Without giving much thought, Robin agreed; the pair left the cave shortly afterwards.

"Repeat to me the previous events leading up to now." Batman ordered to Wally. Robin, still in his lovestruck high, was confined to a bed in the Watchtower's medical bay; spewing proclamations of love towards the mage.

"I zeta'd into the cave, found Rob chuckling over static on the TV, interrogated him for possibly being drugged, which he wasn't. We moved to the kitchen, when he told me he was in love with Zatanna, when we all knew he's been pining over (S/N) for weeks!" The redhead replied in a rushed tone.

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