You/Kya - Bruised

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Kya was just making her way back to Air Temple Island when she heard a cry of pain

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Kya was just making her way back to Air Temple Island when she heard a cry of pain. She stopped walking and looked around to see where it had come from. There was no one walking around the streets so she figured it must have come from one of the dark alleys. Seeing that they were too many to check each one, she waited to hear the sound again.

A minute later and she's able to hear it again. She wastes no time to rush to the alley of where she had heard the noise. Kya can't help but let out a gasp when she sees the condition you were in. You covered in blood and it looked like you had a broken leg. It was a miracle that Kya even found you awake.

"I don't know if you can hear but it's alright. I'm here to help you. I'm a water bender and I'll try to heal as much as I can before I can take you to the hospital. Can you nod for me if you heard what I said?" You could barely nod before crying out in pain. "It's okay! It's okay. I won't make you move again. Just try to relax and take a deep breath for me."

You did as she said, not really having a choice in the matter. Minutes later and the pain is much less than before.

"T..thank you."

"No talking. We need to save as much energy as we can. Just hold on. I'm going to see if I can spot an officer to help me take you to the hospital."

Kya walks off in search of an officer and returns minutes later with one.

"This is Lin, she's the chief of police. I think you'll feel a bit safer with her around."

You couldn't exactly tell her that wasn't the case so you just stayed quiet. Just from hearing her voice, you could tell that she was someone you could trust.

"Alright. Lets get you to the hospital before you pass out on us."


To your surprise, Kya stayed with you. She had no reason to do so as you were a stranger and yet she did. You couldn't really ask her why she stayed as you were often asleep because of the pain killers so you could only wonder. A week after your arrival, you were finally able to go without some strong painkillers.

"I quite like seeing you when I wake up but I have to ask, why are you here with me? We're strangers and I'm sure you have more important things to deal with than staying at the hospital with me."

Kya gives you a warm smile, making the butterflies in your stomach flutter. You paid no attention to them, thinking they were just a side effect from the pills.

"I simply want to make sure that whoever hurt you doesn't come back."

"Oh. That's very kind of you."


Even with Lin posting two officers outside, Kya still stuck around. Her reasoning to stay this time was because she couldn't leave you all alone.

"So what are you going to do when you're released?"

"I don't know. I think I might stick around for a while. Going back to the Fire Nation can wait."

"Really? And what's making you stick around?"

"Like you said, I can't leave you all alone."


Like you had told Kya, you stayed in Republic City to spend time with Kya outside of the hospital. The two of you went out on dates and had a lot of firsts before you eventually had to head back to the Fire Nation.

"You're coming with me?"

"Are my bags not making it seem obvious? After everything we've been through, you think that I was going to let you go all alone?"

You can't help but smile as you leaned in to kiss her. You were glad that you had gotten beat up. If it weren't for it, you would've never met Kya.


All characters are 18+

This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Lin Beifong - Reunited

Katara - Lost

Katara - Secret

Katara - Nothing

Kuvira - Part 2 // blood bending

Lin Beifong - Better

Kuvira - Prisoner

Ming-Hua - Help

Mai - Hurt

Asami Sato - Back

Azula - Undercover

Toph Beifong - Embarrassed

Kuvira - Saving

Lin Beifong - Single //

Kuvira - Captured

Azula - Coincedence

Rangi.- Training


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