You/Lin Beifong - Valentine's

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The two of you agreed to hold off celebrating Valentine's Day for another week

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The two of you agreed to hold off celebrating Valentine's Day for another week. Lin was dealing with a mess that some detectives got themselves into and you had been dealing with an unusual amount of patients. With the two of you busy, neither of you would have time to prepare anything special or even have the time to celebrate the day so both of you decided it would be better to wait until the two of you were free.

But you couldn't help on wanting to give Lin some flowers from a stand that you had passed on your way to work. They were quite beautiful to look at at and you knew Lin would love them.

As soon as lunch came around, you excused yourself from your coworkers and headed out to the flower stand to buy a bouquet of the flowers that you had seen. Once paid for, you headed to Lin's favorite shop to buy food for the two of you. Lin started her lunch an hour after yours so you had enough time to hurry and get to the station before she went out to grab something to eat.


Lin's officers gave you smiles as you passed by them. They were relieved that Lin was going to be distracted you to reprimand them again about how they fucked up. You weren't aware of it as you were a little nervous about what Lin might say about the flowers and food.

Arriving at the door to her office, you hesitantly knock.

Thinking that you were one of her officers, Lin answers with an annoyed 'what.' This doesn't deter you as you knew Lin wasn't always cheerful in the office. Opening the door, you walked in with the food and flowers behind your back.

"(y/n), this is a lovely surprise. What are you doing here?"

"Well I thought I could have a longer lunch so I can eat with you. Is that okay?"

"Of course, it's okay! I'm sorry about the way I answered. My officers have just been annoying me this entire week. They're the reason why I couldn't even take a day off to celebrate the day with you."

You kissed her cheek as you gave her a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry about it. It's a good thing that I came then." You pulled out the flowers and food that you had bought along the way. "Surprise! I know that we said not to celebrate it but I saw these flowers and I just knew you would love them. I thought they might make your day better. Happy Valentine's Day, Lin."

Lin takes both the flowers and food to set them on the side as she hugs you tightly.

"You always know how to make my day better." Pulling back, she presses a soft kiss on your lips. "Let me just put these in some water and then we can eat."

Lin excused herself for a second and headed out to grab a vase for the flowers. When she returns, you can't help but stare at the mug that she brought in.

"Lin, who's mug is that? I don't remember buying it for you."

She smirks as she shows you the name on it.

"One of my detectives, he wasn't using it so he offered it for me to use."

You had a feeling that she had stole it on purpose but you didn't say anything. She surely had a good reason to do this and you weren't going to get in the way of how she disciplined those that caused trouble.

"There! They do look lovely in that mug. Lets eat before it gets hot."

You agreed and the two of you began to enjoy the hot meal that you had brought for lunch.


All characters are 18+   

Send me prompts and suggestions on the request page. If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

This is the list of prompts that I will be doing   

Lin Beifong - Smug

Lin Beifon - Sick

Suyin Beifong - Trust //kid fic

Lin Beifong - Fight   

Toph Beifong - Loss

Korra - Recovery    

Senna - Choice

Lin Beifong/Kya - Happy

Azula - Ducks //kid

Azula - Personality

Kuvira - Injured Part 2

Kuvira - //kid pic

Suyin Beifong - Consequences

Korra - Hit


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