You/Kuvira - Saving

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Kuvira looked down at the man, almost smiling when she saw him cower in fear

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Kuvira looked down at the man, almost smiling when she saw him cower in fear.

"Very well, if you wish to not be under our protection then we'll just go ahead an leave. We have no business being in the village if we're not wanted."

She turned around and started to make her way back to the train when she hears the man call for her.

"Can I think about it? You have to understand that this is a a big decision. I can't just decided to agree to it after just looking over the contract for a few minutes. This contract is huge."

"Very well then. I'll give you an hour."

It was amusing to see him try to ask for more time until eventually he accepted the hour and turned back to his village. Happy that she was going somewhere, Kuvira headed to the main compartment to meet with you.


A smile appears on her face when she watches you look over the plans. She was forever grateful that you had joined her cause. With you at her side, things were far easier to gain control of.

"Take a break?"

She gently tugged your arm to sit on her lap but you stood your ground. There were still so many plans that you had to look over before heading to Republic City.

"I can't. I need to figure out what our course of action is going to be. There's just far too many factors to think about."

"It can wait for another time. I just want to spend some time with you...please."

You looked up after her 'please.' She knew that you couldn't deny her when she asked so nicely.

"Alright but just for a second."

She's again tugs on your arm but this time you let her pull you down to her lap.


The two of you were in various states of undress when a knock was heard. Kuvira is quick to scramble to get her uniform on while you poke your head out to see who it was.

"General (y/n)! I'm hear to deliver the unsigned contract that the Great Uniter gave their leader."

"What did he say?"

"He said that he wasn't going to sell his village. We attempted to convince him to sign but he refused."

You take the contract from his hands and thank him. Closing the door behind him, you could see the furious expression on Kuvira. An angry Kuvira was not someone that you wanted your soldiers to deal with so you decided to take an unusual approach on how to help her.

"Who said that you could get dressed again?"

Kuvira falters for a second at your question. You smile when you see that she had obviously been caught off guard by the question.

"I don't have time for this. We need to get that village to sign those papers."

"I'll deal with it later. Right now, I'm asking who told you that you could get dressed."

It was rare whenever you decided to take the lead so Kuvira wasn't going to waster her opportunity to let you take control. She often craved to be under someone but would never dare ask you to top.

" one."

You gently took her chin and moved her head to the side so you could have some space to kiss along her neck. Once you heard her quiet moans, you stopped to bite her ear to grab her attention.

"Exactly. Go to our bed and strip. I'm going to fucking ruin you."


All characters are 18+

This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Lin Beifong - Single //

Kuvira - Captured

Azula - Coincedence

Rangi.- Training


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