You/Kuvira - Confession

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You couldn't lie to yourself, you loved the power you held over Kuvira

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You couldn't lie to yourself, you loved the power you held over Kuvira. She completely trusted you to the point that she didn't realize exactly how you using her.

When they noticed that Kuvira had taken a liking to you on your first trip, they figured their best chance to stop Kuvira was to let you play the part of her lover. You thought it was a stupid idea but when you saw how easily she was swayed with your input, you changed your mind. You found it quite pathetic for the Great Uniter to follow you like a lost puppy. She was supposed to be this strong person that didn't let anything stand in her way but yet that all changed when you walked into her life.

"Is that really necessary, Kuvira? We don't need a giant robot to take over the city. You almost took out the Avatar if it hadn't been for those air benders. I'm sure you can take care of her while our army takes care of the rest."

"I don't want to risk losing you or any of my soldiers. This is safer."

With a sigh, you nod. The only things that she refused to change her mind about where things that dealt with keeping you safe. If she saw that the robot will keep you safe from any harm, Kuvira was not going to change her mind about it.

"You're right. I'll leave you to it then. We have a big day tomorrow."

You left her alone in the room and headed back to yours to report everything to Chief Beifong. They weren't going to be able to stop it for the moment but they could prepare for it.


Kuvira was actually winning. While you had told them what Kuvira had planned, they still hadn't prepared enough to take her on. You stood by the windows, looking down as the robot continued destroying everything in its path.


The robot stopped moving as you called for her.

"What is it?"

"Do you know how you remember all those nights that you promised the world to me?"

"Of course, how could I forgot..."

"I didn't think you would."

You turned around and walked over to her. She looked at you curious, trying to figure out what you were doing. Kuvira soon gets her answer when you pull out a trigger from your pocket.

"What is that?"

"The switch for the bombs. The bombs that I planted in the robot to take it down if you didn't listen to me."

"You're not making any sense. I'm doing this for you! I'm doing this to reunite the Earth Empire so we can live in peace."

"But I don't want that. Especially not with you."

Kuvira faltered at your words.

"W..what? What do you mean? What's going on?"

You finally reach her, giving her a smile when you cup her cheek. She leans into your touch out of habit. It makes you feel a little bad about what you were about to do. Looking into her eyes, you could clearly see all the love she had for you.

"I honestly don't care if you burned this whole city down but I quite like my job. I don't want to lose it and I'm not going to let you destroy the only thing I care about. Chief Beifong had me infiltrate your ranks to take you down from within. I didn't think it would ever have to come down to this but they left me no choice. They couldn't stop you so I suppose that it's up to me to do so."

You pressed the button, starting the countdown for them to go off. Kuvira stood still, unable to process what just happened. Everything that the two of you had done and been through was all a lie. You didn't love her. You were just using her because of the assignment that they had given to you.

"I didn't mean anything to you? You never loved me?"

Kuvira wasn't a masochist but she needed to hear it from you. She needed to hear that it was all pretend.

"No. It was all pretend for me." You could see the moment her heart shattered and yet you felt nothing. All that you cared about was stopping her to get your promotion. "Don't take it personally. I was only doing my job."


All characters are 18+   

Send me prompts and suggestions on the request page. If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

This is the list of prompts that I will be doing   

Korra - Recovery    

Senna - Choice

Lin Beifong/Kya - Happy

Azula - Ducks //kid

Azula - Personality

Kuvira - Injured Part 2

Kuvira - //kid part 2

Suyin Beifong - Consequences

Korra - Hit //picture

Kuvira - Gone

Korra/Asami Sato - Support //pic

Lin Beifong/Kya - Hidden

Azula - Heartbroken //2 prts

Lin Beifong - Party

Asami Sato/Korra - Decisions //or

Mai - Gentle

Kuvira - Comfort

Lin Beifong - Debt

Toph Beifong - Love

Azula - Protective //kid fic


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