You/Lin Beifong - Threat

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You weren't speaking and the doctors were extremely concerned for you

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You weren't speaking and the doctors were extremely concerned for you. This had been the third time you had visited the hospital in a span of 2 weeks with serious injuries.

"You can trust us, (y/n). We're doctors. We're only here to help you."

"I told you that I'm fine. Just sign the papers so I can go home."

"I'm afraid that I can't do that."

"Why not? I've paid the full amount for my last 2 visits. I can pay for this one as well if you're so concerned with the fact that I won't pay."

"I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about you. You've been coming to me for 4 straight months to deal with your wounds."

"and? What's your point? I just come to you because you're a good doctor."

"As your doctor, it's my duty to heal your injuries and stop them from happening again."

"You're taking your job way too seriously. If you're not going to sign the papers then I'll just leave. You can't force me to stay."

You stand up and make your way to the exit just as the Chief of Police is coming in.

"and just where do you think you're going? Sit your ass back down."

You glared at her, hating the way she was speaking to you. If you weren't hurting at the moment, you would've fought for your right to leave. Not wanting to get your ass beat, you make your way back to the bed. Still mad about what happened, you continued to glare at her with your arms crossed.

"Lin! I'm so glad you made it. This is who I was talking about. (y/n), this is my good friend Lin. She's the Chief of Police."

"You called the police!? Why would you do that?!"

"Don't yell at her! She's just trying to help you!"

Lin made her way over to beat your ass but stopped as Kya stood in her way.

"No, Lin."

"She's a little shit! You're just trying to help her."

"Lin, we've talked about this."

Lin mutters something under her breath before apologizing to you. Kya gives her a smile and then turns to face you.

"I called her so you can feel safe to tell me what's going on. I know the signs, (y/n). You can trust us."

Your eyes widen in realization. Kya really thought you were being abused because of your injuries. All you could do at the moment was tell the truth. The poor doctor was only trying to help.

"I'm not being abused. I'm really not." You take a deep breath before continuing. "The reason why I often come to you all beat up is because I'm part of an underground fight club."

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