You/Kya/Lin Beifong - Protect

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AN: Have I done everyone's Lin Beifong prompt? I have Lin Beifong - Betrayal on my list but I can't find the prompt. I think I might've just forgot to write Kya but just to double check, let me know if I haven't done your Lin prompt

 I think I might've just forgot to write Kya but just to double check, let me know if I haven't done your Lin prompt

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Everything changed so quickly. Lin and Kya had received their invitation to you wedding just a day ago and now they were being told that you were being escorted to Republic City for safety reasons. Lin had attempted to get information out of your sister but she received to spill anything. The only thing that she mentioned was that you would reveal everything to the two of them when you arrived.

"Do you think it was an assassination attempt? Her fiance isn't very well liked in the fire nation. What if they tried to kill them both so if something happened to Izumi then they wouldn't become Fire Lord and Fire Lady."

"Kya, don't be ridiculous. You're blowing things out of proportion. We need to prepare our apartment for (y/n). She's a princess. I don't think she would like how disorganized it's been since you arrived."

"Hey! You haven't cleaned up either."

"Well we've been a little busy so I'm letting it go for now."

Kya rolled her eyes and began to help Lin with the cleaning. They both hoped you wouldn't come with your fiancé because neither of them could stand him. He had been arrogant, rude, and egotistical when you had introduced him to them. They couldn't see what you saw in him. Both of them had assumed that he was just going to be another fling but they were shocked when they received the wedding invitation. The last time they had talked to you, you had mentioned ending things with him.


"Izumi, I'm fine. I'll be safe here. Lin and Kya will make sure to keep me safe."

Izumi raised her brow as she looked to the two of them. She had wished you had stayed back in the Fire Nation with her but you insisted that you wanted to come.

"I can leave a few of the royal guards with you."

"No. I'll be safe here. Edin is in prison. He can't hurt me here. You need the guards more than I do."

Izumi sighs and pulls you in for a hug. She didn't want to be so far away from you. Not after what happened.

"Alright. Please, give me a call for any reason."

"I will. Now go. You have a lot of work for you waiting back home."

Izumi groaned loudly as she headed inside the airship. You just let out a sigh and walked over to Lin and Kya. You're about to give them a hug when Kya cups both of your cheeks to get a closer look at the bruises that you had been unable to hide. Fire Nation had healers but they could only do so much.

"Not now. I don't want to talk about this in the open. Lets go to your place."

You tell Lin before Kya has a chance to bombard you with questions. The two of them looked at you in concern as you started walking towards Republic City.

"I swear if he hurt her, I'm going to hurt him 100x worse than what he did to her."

"Count me in."


It took everything in Lin and Kya not to take the next ship back to the Fire Nation. As promised, you had told them everything that happened.

"I...I'm also pregnant."

You managed to say before bursting out in tears. You had held it in together but couldn't do so anymore. Lin and Kya both held you to comfort you.

"We're here for you, (y/n)."

"We'll help you raise the baby."

You sobbed harder at their words. They both held you until you eventually cried yourself to sleep. Not wanting to wake you up, they slept on the couch with you.


Your stay at Republic City was only meant to be until Edin was sentenced but it was only pushed back when you started dating Lin and Kya. The two of them had confessed their feelings for you while the three of you camped in the bathroom since you kept throwing up. It wasn't the most romantic place they could have told you but you weren't going to complain.

"Lin? Kya?"

You called for them from behind. Korra was giving a speech and as usual, her entire team stood behind.

"Just a second. Korra is almost."

"Lin! Kya!"

You whispered a little louder. Lin turned around to sush you but snapped her mouth shut when she realized why you were calling.

"Kya! The baby is coming!'

Korra hears the yells and stops her speech. Like Lin had made everyone practice, they all assumed their roles. Mako, Korra, and Bolin rushed to the patrol car. Asami, Lin, Kya and you made your way to Asami's satomoblie to drive to the hospital. With both cars rushing, they managed to arrive at the hospital within minutes.


Giving birth had been hell. No one had ever told you how painful it was but you couldn't stay mad about it. (baby's name) had been born and you couldn't be happier.

"How are you feeling, Lin? Still lightheaded?"

Lin glared at you, knowing that you were mocking her for passing out while you gave birth. It hadn't been her fault that blood made her queasy.

"Oh hush, let me see our daughter."

You gave her a smile and pointed at Kya that was far too concentrated on (baby's name) to realize that Lin had come back in.

"She looks just like you."

Lin mumbles. Kya finally notices Lin appear and gently hands the baby to her.

"and this is momma."

Kya whispers to Lin.

"But I wanted to be mother."

Kya rolled her eyes as she see's Lin pout.

"No. I'm mommy. You're momma and (y/n) is (preferred mother name)."

"What?!" The two of you quiet her, not wanting for (baby's name to wake her up. She quickly apologizes as she lowers her voice. "When did we decide this?"

"Just now. When you were passed out.'

Lin groaned loudly but didn't say anything as she looked down at (baby's name) with a smile. The sight before your eyes nearly brought you to tears. Kya is the first one to notice.

"What's wrong?"

Lin turns to face you with concern written all over.

"I'm just so happy."


Send me prompts and suggestions. Will write about any women from the ATLA/LOK universe. All characters are 18+

Only exception is a/b/o prompts. Will not write about these but can write something similar

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

You/Lin Beifong - Betrayal

Katara - Beach

Kya - Slow

Korra - Difference

Asami Sato - Hate

Korra - Blind Part 2

June - Fall

Azula - Late

Suki - Island

Kuvira - United Part

Kuvira - Return

Eska - Leave


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