You/Asami Sato - Smile

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Asami smiled as she watched you fight with Bolin and Mako about who would win in a pro-bending tournament between the two sets of siblings

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Asami smiled as she watched you fight with Bolin and Mako about who would win in a pro-bending tournament between the two sets of siblings. Korra didn't even bother to join in, knowing that you would eventually win the argument.

"They won't get into a fight about this, will they?"

"Nah? They might not seem like it but they're responsible adults."

Asami didn't believe it for a second. The three of you had the habit of getting into trouble that she and Korra would have to deal with whatever the latest stunt was. Already bored of your arguing, the two of them start talking about Asami's latest invention when the three of you start to fight.

"I spoke too soon."

"You're not going to stop them?"

"...nah. I'll step in when they...(y/n)! Stop that! We don't drown our friends let them go!"

Korra yells at you. You ignored her, as you continued watching Mako and Bolin try to catch their breath. Served them right for saying that water benders weren't dangerous. Asami's just amused by it all. No doubt in her mind that Mako and must've said something stupid for the way you reacted. When she see's them fall to the ground and start to gasp for air, she makes her way over to the 4 of you.

"So what happened?"

"It's just Mako and Bolin being asses about water bender. I just had to defend out tribe. They claimed that water benders were weak."


Korra didn't take it too kindly to being called weak. Mako and Bolin were again subjected to another round of drowning.


From across the room, Asami couldn't help but laugh as you attempted to sneak out some of the food from the banquet. Being the host, she had specifically requested for cuisine from the Southern Water Tribe. It was expensive but well worth seeing your face light up when you spotted as you arrived.

"You know, I've had the catering company make sure to save some so that you could take home."

You accidentally drop all the food you've been hiding in your bag when Asami comes up from behind you.

"A...Asami! I wa-wasn't taking anything. I don't know what you're talking about."

Asami raises her brow at you as she looks down at the spilled food.

"My mistake. I'll just tell Korra that it's hers to take."

"No! I mean..." You cleared your throat, feeling your cheeks get hotter. "I'll be happy to take some back home. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Asami excuses herself but before she leaves, she leaves you with one last thing. "I'll be happy to order you anything from them whenever you'd like. Just let me know.


It didn't take long for Asami to realize that she had fallen for you. You were the only one who made her smile so easily, just catching a quick glimpse of you would brighten up her day, she was crushed when she had almost lost you, and much more that it was impossible to list them all.

The only thing that was stopping her from revealing her feelings for you was Korra. She wasn't sure Korra would approve of her dating her sister.

"Korra is not going to mind Asami. She loves you and knows that you'll never hurt her sister on purpose. Besides, it doesn't even matter what Korra thinks. The only thing that matters is for (y/n) to agree to go on a date with you."

"You're right, Bolin! Thank you!"

Asami gives him a quick hug and rushes off to find you somewhere in the island. She eventually finds you training with Korra in the courtyard.

"I'm sorry for interrupting but could I talk to you (y/n). It'll just be a quick second."

You're concerned about what Asami was planning on telling you. It was not everyday when she wanted to talk to you in private. You leave Korra behind and follow Asami up gazebo.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about, Asami?"

Asami didn't not think through her plan. Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to ask you to talk in private after you've been training for quite a while. You were sweating, making your clothes stick to you, showing off the muscles that were proof of the hard work you put in your training sessions.


You called for her as she just stared at you. You're just about to wave your hand in her face when Asami suddenly pulls you into a kiss. When the two of you pull apart, Asami was already apologizing. Gently gripping her chin, you make her look down at you.

"I kissed you back, Asami. What do you think that means?"

"That you like me?"

You can't help but smile in amusement as you kiss her again.



Send me prompts and suggestions. Will write about any women from the ATLA/LOK universe. All characters are 18+

Only exception is a/b/o prompts. Will not write about these but can write something similar

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Kuvira - Prison

Kuvira - Forgiveness

Azula - Party

Kya - Rescue

Lin Beifong - Rank

Kya/Lin Beifong - Protect Part 2

Kuvira - Down

Jinora - Happy 

Kuvira - Ex

Toph Beifong - Part 2

Suyin Beifong - Break

Zhu Li - Calm

Lin Beifong - Catch

Kuvira - Arranged

Mai - Discovery

Asami Sato - Way

Ursa - Love

Korra - Casual

Korra - State

Ursa - Quiet

Azula - Obsessive

Opal -  Sneaking 

Kya - Notice

Asami Sato - Part 2

Azula - Part 2

Korra - Train

Kyoshi - Help

Lin Beifong - Soulmate Part 2

Kuvira - Unknown


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