You/Lin Beifong - Comfort

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You watched Lin thought the window as the healers checked on her for any wounds or bruises

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You watched Lin thought the window as the healers checked on her for any wounds or bruises. Lin had still yet to talk and everyone was worried if she would ever recover from losing her bending. You were the exception, you've known Lin for quite a while now and you knew that she would get through it. Bending was a huge part of her but you knew it wasn't going to stop her. Lin was strong.

Thanking the doctors, you stepped into the room to finally have some alone time with Lin.

"The healers said that we could go home. Are you ready?"

Lin gives you the briefest nod as she slowly climbs out of bed. It seemed like she was still in shock after what happened so you didn't say anything. Simply just helped her walk out of the office and into one of the car's that Asami had been so kind to provide for you.

It's quiet for the ride back home until the end when Lin finally speaks for the first time since you had rescued her from Amon.

"Thank you for saving me, (y/n)."

"You don't have to thank me. You would've done the same for me, Lin."

Lin nods and waits for you to help her out of the car to head inside. Lin changes herself into her pajamas and lays down on the bed while waiting for you. Once you climb in, she quietly turns her back to you and you take it as a sign that she wants you to hold her. Lin lets out a quiet sigh of content when you wrap your arm around her waist.

"Goodnight, Lin."


You wake up early in the morning to find that Lin still wasn't out of bed when she's usually the first one out of it.

"What time is?"

"Early enough for you to get ready. You're filling in for me as Chief of Police."

You sit up, facing her with a frown.

"What? No, I'm not filling in for you. You're still Chief of Police, Lin. I'm not ready to even be your second in command. Much less be the Chief of Police."

"You're ready, (y/n). I've thought you everything that you need to know. I don't have my bending so what good am I as Chief of Police?"

"Lin, stop that. You weren't made chief because of how good of a bender you were...are. You were made chief of police because of your mind. No one else can compare to you so you change into your uniform and march into that office like nothing has changed. You're the boss, just order people around to do your bidding.'

Lin sighs and nods. You were right. Her bending was gone and it might possibly never return but that didn't define her. She sits up and pulls you in for a kiss.

"Thank you, darling. I needed that."

You give her a smile and nod, gently pushing her off of the bed so she could get ready.


It had taken quite a while for Lin to adjust to life without her bending but you made it easier on her. You were there for her at every step of the way until she was comfortable with her new life as a non-bender. The only upside was that Lin was home earlier and therefore giving you much more time to spend with her. You're in the middle of having dinner when the Avatar and her friends burst into your house.

"Korra! What is going on?"

"I need both of your help. I know how we can take down Amon and the rest of the equalists"

Not waiting for a plan, the two of you jumped out of your seats and joined them.


It was a close call. Everyone had been beaten and the only one left standing was Korra. She was on her knees, at the mercy of Amon when she turned the tides against him. Soon enough, Korra had pushed him out the window, with that being the last time that anyone saw him.

"It's over, (y/n). Amon can't take anyone's bending anymore."

Lin helps you stand after she regained movement in her muscles. Amon had managed to both paralyze and take everyone's bending. It was the price to pay for his defeat and you would gladly give your bending to stop the one person who was capable of removing bending from the world.


You held Lin's hand as you kneeled beside her. Taking a deep breath, the two of you closed your eyes and waited for Korra to return your bending. It took a second for it to come back. Standing, the two of you raised your hands and lifted the stones surrounding the temple.

"Thank you, Avatar Korra."

You both told her, bowing before her.

You turned to Lin, wrapping her up in a hug.

"I told you that everything was going to be okay."


Send me prompts and suggestions. Will write about any women from the ATLA/LOK universe. All characters are 18+

Only exception is a/b/o prompts. Will not write about these but can write something similar

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Katara - Head Over Heels

Azula - Exposed

Opal Beifong - Zaofu

Lin Beifong - Lost

Toph Beifong - Truth

Ty Lee - Shy

Korra - Jealous


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