61 - Crush / Selfish

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Emily couldn't stand the eerie forest. While clinging to Mia, she attempted to mask her fright.

On the other hand, Mia was unsettled to a degree but kept a cool head.

"So, this is your family's house?" Emily decided that conversation would keep her mind off her fear. In fact, she was curious about Mia's family.

"Yes and no. This house is all business, so I've never lived here." Mia replied. "I did come here a few times for training purposes."

"Business?" Emily questioned. "I mean, I've noticed that Daisuke has students."

"Yeah, there a handful of students; mostly distant relatives of mine. My grandfather teaches the students about the samurai, nighlok, and sometimes medicine. His students may end up becoming medics, mentors, keepers of sacred grounds... samurai related people. The Shiba family does the same with those of the family. "

"I see, that's how they keep the tradition going." Emily always wondered about that. "There's a lot of gardens and nature around here too."

"Yeah, everyone here takes really good care of them. I guess it's a recreational thing for them. We should probably grow something too." Mia suggested.

"That sounds fun." Emily liked the idea.

As they continued to make their way to the shrine, Mia couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed, but of course not by Emily.

To Mia, the little bonding exercise her grandfather set up seemed pointless. And usually, she'd be asleep at this time.

"Hey Mia, what do you think about Lauren?" Emily asked out of the blue.

"What do you mean?" Mia was puzzled by the sudden confrontational question.

"I mean, I think she's kind of annoying, especially when she first came. But I've gotten used to her and I guess she changed a bit." Emily spoke openly, just as she was used to doing around Mia.

Emily thought back to when she first met Lauren. She was quiet, yet did not have a filter when speaking. Lauren really had no experience with people.

"She was never annoying." Mia's tone of voice was clearly defensive.

Mia was shocked that Emily thought that way of her, possibly forgetting that she used to think of Lauren that way too.

"She is. I mean she's even kind of childish, the way she clings to Jayden." Emily forgot the fear of her surroundings and zoned on their argument.

Emily stopped clinging onto Mia and they slowly drifted further apart.

"That's because she was raised for one goal; to be the black ranger. It's not like she had any other close ones than her own twin brother." Mia scoffed. "By the way, you're literally the youngest. Are you not childish?"

Mia's words hit hard, especially since they touched upon Emily's struggles. Being the youngest meant working hard to keep up with everyone while also constantly having to prove her toughness.

"Oh sorry I'm not the same age as you all. It would've been nice for me though. I could've been more mature like you, who can suck up after getting tortured."

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