107 - Hush / Worries

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Hush little baby, don't say a word...
Mama's gonna buy you a mocking bird...
If that mocking bird don't sing...
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring...

"Oo ah oo," Octoroo waddled around Xandred's rickety ship, checking on Xandred as if he was baking in the oven. "It's been quiet since Dayu, but the Sansu River seems to have a new tune."

"Indeed it has." Velos stepped onto the ship, drenching the floorboards beneath him with the gunk of Sansu. "I'm not surprised you saw me coming. Your eyes are always at sea."

"Oo ah oo," Octoroo refused to turn and face Velos. He was too irritated by him. "There are only so many options I have..."

"Still doors closed, eh? The weak are quite depressing." Velos sighed, kicking back on the ship. "Maybe if you weren't so helpless, you would have a better option than to have helped me defeat Serrator."

"About Serrator, you came because you felt something odd?" Octoroo assumed that Velos sensed what he had.

"Strange, isn't it..." Velos was surprised that his feeling wasn't a hunch. If Serrator wasn't dead before, now it felt like he was.

"Are you weeping?" Velos teased.

"I don't regret my decision. And I'll tell you why." Octoroo stuck his staff into the Sansu River, checking how much lower the water levels were.

"Why at any rate, this boat will be sitting on dry land." Velos jeered. "Go on."

"Serrator reminds me of how Master Xandred was... before he was first sealed by the black ranger." Octoroo reminisced. "Xandred was a driven leader, with a great mind, and a goal."

"And now he is..." Velos chuckled. "He is very much like what the humans call a bull. All you need is to wave a red cape and Xandred is mindlessly at your will."

"Oo, you know a lot about humans, but all of that knowledge will soon be useless." Octoroo tolerated Velos's usual slander of Xandred. "If I fought on Serrator's side and killed you, then Serrator would eventually try to kill Xandred. Serrator is a nighlok with every intention to rule. You're a nighlok with no intention at all."

"Oh but I do have intentions. New ones every day. But it doesn't compare to my greatest intention." Velos sang.

"I don't believe you do, oo ah oo!" Octoroo shook his head. "Because if you did, right after you defeated Serrator, you would have killed the black ranger. But you left her alive! Unspeakable!"

"But as long as you hold up your agreement to not harm or kill me or Xandred, oo ah oo, there is no issue." From this moment, Octoroo decided to calm down and ignore Velos. "You always say you are a nighlok of your word."

Octoroo wanted whatever was in Xandred's interest, which was to rule both worlds. To do so, they needed the Sansu River to overflow and flood the real world. Once that happened, nobody could stop it.

Hush little baby don't you cry...
Mama's gonna sing you a lullaby


"When they said things like that, I knew something surely was off. I was angry too, so I tried to leave."

"Is that when you were captured?"


"How did they capture you?"

"A group of people dressed in black grabbed me. Then-"

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