"So we're doing one of these again.." Mike crossed his legs on the grass.
"Yeah." Jayden replied, thanking on of the servants for handing him a cup of tea.
"In 37 degree (2.8 degree Celsius) weather..." Mike zipped up his coat.
"I thought it would be a nice change of scenery." Kevin felt perfectly fine in the cold. "It's nice and open. Plus this part of the garden hasn't wilted away."
"Should I leave you rangers be?" Daisuke inquired.
After exchanging some glances, Jayden nodded, "Thank you." Though they all presumed that Daisuke might eavesdrop a bit.
"Not so long ago, we never would've thought to have meetings outside." Emily remarked. She was finally free of her IV.
"Yeah, it was always at the Shiba House around that map table thing." Mike replied.
"That seems so long ago." Emily reminisced, looking down at her tea.
"Yeah, things were more simple then, weren't they?" Mike placed his tea on a little plate, and leaned back.
In some way, all the rangers agreed. Things were more simple before their trust in Ji, the monks, and mentors were shaken. And with Xandred on their radar, things were getting serious.
"Do you ever think about what we'd do after we're done?" Mia wondered.
It was the first time she asked any of the rangers. It always felt like a touchy subject, given the possibility of failure.
She picked up on a sense of guilt considering a future beyond being a samurai ranger. Was it self-serving, too idealistic, or cocky?
"Have you?" Antonio turned the question back at her.
"Yeah, I thought that I'd like to go to college." Mia replied.
"You'd want to go to college??" Mike was shocked. "I dropped out to answer the call. Rather be here than there."
"What would you major in?" Kevin asked Mia.
"Hmm, I thought nursing would be a nice option." Mia replied.
"Ah, but nurses work tirelessly, wouldn't you want a more flexible job?" Kevin asked. "Or at least one that's not like the job we already have?"
"Hm, I don't know." Mia replied. "But what about you, swimming?"
"I want to try swimming again... if i can't keep up I'd have to consider something else." Kevin replied. "It might be difficult getting back to the level I was at before answering the call."
"You'd make a good coach." Emily replied.
"Thanks, I guess coaching is always another option."
"Mike, what were you in college for?" Kevin asked. "I think we're all curious."
"Yes we are!" Mia agreed.
"Well, engineering." Mike chuckled. "I clearly wasn't doing well."
"Are you going to continue that?" Antonio asked.
"I don't want to." Mike replied. "If anything, I would go for education. To be a teacher."
"Wow, I wouldn't have imagined it, but it would suit you." Mia shoved Mike's shoulder playfully. "Really, it would."
Mike bashfully hid his face behind his hands.
Emily smiled at him, finding it adorable.

On Fire (Power Rangers Samurai)
FanfictionAfter Ji leaves, the bonds between the rangers begin to burn. Their present and past traumas affect their relationships, however, they must pull together to save the world. WARNING: Sexual Themes. Violence. Blood. Reference to Abuse. Physical Tortur...