19 - Emergency / The New Battle

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"Terry?" Mia thought that she was hallucinating. It was more likely she was due to her concussion rather than Terry actually standing before her, smiling sadly.

"Hey Mia, you're finally awake!" Terry was caught off guard by her sudden awakening, but greeted her wholeheartedly.

"You've grown so much since I've last since you!" Mia sat up, excited by the pleasant surprise of her brother's visit. "What brings you here?"

"Mia..." Terry didn't know where to start. "I really need to tell you something, but it's a lot to take in. Maybe I should tell you after you've healed more from your head thing."

"Tell me." Mia demanded, noticing that something was wrong. He would never visit the Shiba House unless it was an emergency.

"Okay, just... please let me explain everything before you say anything. Alright?"

Mia nodded, but she probably shouldn't have since it made her head hurt.

"The friend I was living with is facing some difficulties. I didn't have anywhere else to go, so I moved in with our uncle."

"Our uncle!?" Mia broke her word to not interrupt. "There's a reason that our parents don't associate with him!"

Their uncle was a hopeless alcohol addict who managed to maintain a well paying desk job. He lived all alone in a spacious suburban home.

    His wife left him due to his abusive tendencies to beat them. She took her daughter and moved far away, maybe even out of the country.

They never reported it to the police. No one in the family never knew what he did or who he did it to but it was safe to assume the worst.

"Did- Did he do anything to you?" Mia's voice went weak as she asked, fearing the worst.

Terry was silent. He looked down rather than into Mia's eyes.  

"Oh my god." Mia pulled Terry into a close and comforting hug, assuming that their uncle hurt Terry.

"Can I... stay here?"


Jayden woke up with his eyes shooting open. He threw the covers off of him and sat up instantly, remembering what had happened to Antonio.

    His sudden movements made him lightheaded for a second. He quickly fought the feeling off.

Afterwards, Jayden remembered the newfound sensation of clarity. It was as if his body stopped raging war on itself.

    Jayden stood up and stretched, only to realize how hungry and thirsty he was.

    A second ago, he felt so free but his malnourishment made him feel so deprived and sick.

    Jayden walked towards the mirror. He looked at his body. He seemed to look just as he felt; weak and tired.

    Jayden had lost a lot of weight. His ribs and collarbones appeared to poke at his skin. His elbows and knees were a bit pointier.

    He touched his face, feeling as if he regained a new authority over himself.

    Yes, he really was in control.


"Hey everyone." Jayden greeted the rangers as they took their seats.

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