Jayden ran to Mia and Antonio. "Emily is missing!"
"But she was there an hour ago. I checked on her."
"She couldn't have gone far then. Let's search for both of them now. And so they left before they ate breakfast.
Jayden, Antonio, Mia, and Kevin were out searching for Emily and Mike separately.
After a while, they had finally come together.
"We tried everywhere!" Antonio felt like it was hopeless at this point.
"Wait. Have we tried the forest? The green ranger channels energy from the forest!"
"Let's go!" Jayden and the other rangers ran towards the forest.
Earlier, Emily had checked everywhere but found her search repetitive and useless.
"Think! Where would Mike be?!" It was then she remembered how Mike told her that Mentor had taken Mike to the forest to connect with his symbol powers.
Right now, Emily was walking in the forest. It was a nice and serene scene, with the afternoon sunlight shining through the trees. However, it seemed too quiet.
Even the forest had it's sounds. She didn't hear the pitter patter if animals or the chirping of birds. Just the sound of her own foot steps and the crunch of occasionally stepping on a twig.
There was an eerie feeling lingering in the air, but Emily kept denying it. She believed that she was just psyching herself out.
There was no way a beautiful forest in the day light could feel so lonely and scary.
"Stay focuses Emily." She told herself and took out her ape zord. The ape zord jumped and cheered her on.
Just then, she saw Mike walking in the forest.
"Mike!" Emily yelled in relief, causing him to turn around and look at her. She put away her ape zord and ran up to him with such excitement.
She was quick to give him a tight hug.
Mike wrapped his arms around her as well.
"I'm so glad that you're okay! I-" Emily suddenly felt a shocking wave of pain. There was a large slash wound on her back.
"I've found you, yellow ranger." Mike let out a sinister laugh.
When Emily was able to comprehend the pain she felt, she let out a high pitched scream of great pain and suffering.
A great scream echoed through the forest.
"Oh no!" Kevin looked at the other rangers.
"That's Emily!" Jayden said as they all ran towards the direction of the scream.
When they arrived at the scene, they saw Emily's back covered in blood and Mike holding her by her neck.
They couldn't believe their eyes.
"That's definitely not Mike." Jayden said. "Samurai rangers."
"Go! Go! Samurai!" They all transformed into their ranger form.
"Damn it." Mike slowly transformed into Amarex, the hideous and armored Nighlok. Amarex was the one choking Emily.
"I wanted to capture you rangers one by one. But this one just had to scream." Amarex clenched Emily's throat harder. "No matter. I'll just kill you here and now."
The situation was difficult. The Nighlok had Emily in his clutches and could harm her if they were to come closer. But the rangers had to make a move quick because they needed to ensure Emily's safety then beat the Nighlok.
"What's the matter? Not charging at me?" Amarex sneered. "Afraid I'm going to do something to little yellow?"
"Where's Mike?!" Antonio yelled out.
"Hmm. I'll make you a deal. A trade in fact. I'll tell you where that pathetic green ranger if you trade one of yourselves for him." Amarex snickered. "I'm a Nighlok of my word!"
The rangers were uneasy about this deal.
"What?! Relax! Listen, I'll tell you where Green is, 2 of you go get him. When you get him, let's make the trade! I'll let discuss it."
Amarex dropped Emily on the floor, then sat down.
The rangers gathered around their leader to discuss.
"It's a trap. Once we get Mike, she'll run off with Emily." Jayden told the group. "Emily needs us now, so we have to fight."
The rangers nodded.
"Tell us where Mike is!" Jayden yelled at the Nighlok.
"You've made the right choice." The Nighlok was pleased.
"Over there." Amarex pointed to a shed in a distance behind her.
Mia and Kevin separated from the group and ran towards the shed.
When they were behind Amarex, they turned on her and slashed her with their spin swords together.
"Fuck!" Amarex yelled.
The red, gold, and pink ranger charged at Amarex to occupy her while Kevin lifted up Emily. He took her out of the fights way.
"A ranger for a ranger, right?" Amarex tried to grab one of them but they had backed off.
The pink ranger charged at Amarex with her sky fan.
Mia was about to attack but then she stopped. She realized that the enemy that she was going to attack right before her was her brother.
Mia was confused and hurt. Seeing her brother, Terry, was such a shock to her. She missed him since she became a ranger and had to distance herself from her family.
Suddenly, Terry slashed her from her left shoulder down. Her wound was from her shoulder to the center of her chest. She fell to the floor and left her ranger form.
The red ranger was enraged and ran at the Nighlok with his spin sword.
But all of a sudden, the Nighlok he was charging at was Mia. Jayden hesitated
The real Mia on the floor yelled, "That's not me Jayden, attack her!"
Jayden still couldn't.

On Fire (Power Rangers Samurai)
FanfictionAfter Ji leaves, the bonds between the rangers begin to burn. Their present and past traumas affect their relationships, however, they must pull together to save the world. WARNING: Sexual Themes. Violence. Blood. Reference to Abuse. Physical Tortur...