34 - Spar / Unnerved

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"You'll be alright, right?" Terry hugged Mia. He was all packed and ready to leave.

"I'll be fine Terry." Mia ensured him. "I want to keep fighting the nighlok, so I won't let this get to me."

Mia struggled over the past few days. She didn't feel like eating. She became flighty and had trouble relaxing and falling asleep. 

She even had a couple of panic attacks and post-traumatic episodes.

But having everyone worry for her made her feel even worse. She wanted to do her best and overcome her strife, however it was simply unrealistic.

"Did you tell Kevin that you're leaving?" Mia asked after they finished their hug.

"I think I'll let him find out I'm gone." Terry chuckled. It was cruel, but Terry anticipated a warm greeting the next time they saw each other.


"Emily." Jayden found her practicing sword techniques.

She wore long sleeves under her training gear. 

Jayden found it odd because it was a hot day and it was unusual for the rangers to wear clothing under training gear. Even in the winter, they'd end up sweating after training.

"Let's talk." Jayden grabbed a sword and faced off Emily to spar.

Emily quickly striked. Jayden could see her hasty attack coming and dodged to the right. 

He was about to whack her back when she dodged and attempted to sweep his legs with a pivoting kick. 

Jayden jumped backward to avoid Emily's leg and both of the rangers distanced themselves from each other.

Emily and Jayden began to circle each other with their swords tightly in their grips.

"Why?" Jayden asked Emily.

"Why what."

"You know what I am getting at." Jayden sucked his teeth.

Emily lurched forward and swung her wooden sword.

Jayden widened his stance and clashed against Emily's sword.

"I'm not angry at you. Just tell me why." Jayden demanded. "Is it because you-"

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