29 - Dark Sword / Lucky

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    "Mike." Kevin called out to him suddenly as they were searching the forest together.

    Mike turned around and looked at Kevin expectantly.

    Kevin got on his knees. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I've done to you." Kevin bowed to Mike.

    "What the hell man! Get up!" Mike pulled Kevin onto his feet.

    The bowing was excessive to Mike, however Kevin wished there was a stronger way to apologize.

    "Where is this coming from?" Mike asked. He was weirded out by Kevin's sudden apology.

    "You know, Terry always scolds me and walks away from me. I make him very frustrated." Kevin told Mike. "I began to think, am I really the type of person that repels people."

    Kevin looked at the sky. "My father is never like that. He's always kind and encouraging, but hardworking and studious. I wish I had some of his magic."

    Mike never heard Kevin open up to him in this way. It was strange but also sweet.

    "Yeah..." Mike responded. "I'll accept your apology."

    The two rangers made it past the trees and hit a river.

    "Do you hear that?" Kevin whispered to Mike. There was a strumming sound coming from a distance.

    Mike whipped out his samuraizer to call the other rangers. "They'll be here soon."


    "Alright light zord." Antonio faces the zord with his samuraizer at hand. "It's just you and me."

    Antonio typed up a symbol and carefully projected it towards the light zord in an attempt to activate it.

    The light zord rejected the symbol, the impact knocking Antonio off of his feet.

    Antonio slowly got up, caught his breath and tried again.


Mike and Kevin focused the strums until the rangers arrived. Now the rangers slowly proceeded upstream towards the sound.

    As they moved closer, they spotted Dayu moodily playing her harmonium, but no one as her audience.

Suddenly, Dayu stopped playing, leaving a sour note vibrating on her harmonium. She felt as if someone was watching her.

"Moogers!" Dayu yelled, summoning a swarm of moogers around her. "Exterrex, come on out! Now!"

"Dayu's going to escape!" Emily yelled.

"Rangers, take these moogers and Exterrex down! I'll chase Dayu!" Jayden followed Dayu upstream.

The rangers encountered the moogers as Exterrex slipped into the real world and appeared before them.

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