77 - White / Poisonous

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"Huh?" Kevin saw Arachnion coming straight at him.

"Out of my way!" Arachnion swung her pointy tail at the blue ranger.

Kevin quickly clashed her tail with his spinsword to avoid losing his head.

It seemed that the nighlok was becoming more wild and desperate.

As Arachnion was caught up with Kevin, the green and gold ranger attacked the nighlok from behind.

However, Arachnion began whipping her remaining limbs at them, causing the 3 rangers to withdraw.

"Terry's hair!" Antonio noticed that a larger portion of Terry's hair were turning a silvery white. "We need to get to him now!"

When Jayden heard the hurt and fear in Antonio's voice, all he could think about was Mia.

In her family, Mia was closest to Terry, especially since her parents were in Japan. What would happen to Mia if she woke up and learned her brother was lost forever?

Jayden could empathize as he had been facing the fact that he'd have to lose Lauren since forever.

He wouldn't wish it on anyone else.

Jayden took a deep breath to shake off some nerves, allowing the task to become clearer in his head.

"Hold those moogers." Jayden ordered Antonio and Mike. "Get Terry, Kevin!"

The rangers split up and carried out their orders immediately, trusting the determination in Jayden's voice.

Mike and Antonio immediately pushed back the 4 moogers, away from the portal and Arachnion.

Now Arachnion and Jayden faced each other once again, while Kevin was trying to slip away from Arachnion.

"If you want to step through the portal so badly, I'll just lock you in there as well!" Arachnion growled, throwing herself towards the portal.

Luckily, Jayden blocked Arachnion again with his big ass fire smasher.

On his life, he wasn't going to let Arachnion pass.

As Arachnion's body pounded against his weapon, Jayden was thrown off his feet.

"Face me!" Jayden stood up as quickly as he fell. His voice was gravelly enough to catch Arachnion off guard.

"You're not going to like what happens next." Arachnion was dead serious. Her 8 glowing eyes darted a ruthless glare at Jayden.

In the meanwhile, Kevin had dashed through the portal and stepped foot into the other world.

"Terry!" Kevin's feet moved faster than they ever had before to get to him.

As Kevin ran he indefinitely heard a scream from a distance. But he was too focused on Terry to completely process it.

He kneeled beside Terry, noticing a single bloody tear streaming from his eye and staining his newly bright white hair.

Terry's breaths were ragged and pained. His eyes were just barely open, seeming as if they could lock shut at any given moment.

"Stay awake!" Kevin suppressed his raveled thoughts and lifted Terry up gently but swiftly, making sure to handle him with care.

The adrenaline pumping through his blood made Terry light as a feather.

With a slight sense of relief, he scurried back to the human world as Terry was secure in his arms.

Once Kevin returned to the wedding cake in the human world, he entrusted Terry to the brides.

"Alright." Kevin immediately gave his attention to Arachnion and Jayden.

His jaw dropped.

The poisonous tip of Arachnion's tail was lodged into Jayden's back.

Arachnion and Jayden were facing each other, with the length of the nighlok's tail curled and hovering over both of their heads.

But while Arachnion's tail was in Jayden's back, his spinsword was driven right through the center of Arachnion's chest.

The scene was odd and chilling.

Both parties delivered and received a lethal attack. And by the looks of it, they had been standing there.

Arachnion's blood had already slithered down her bodies and pooled at her feet. While Jayden's injury didn't seem as bloody, yet.

"Jayden!" Kevin couldn't stop his body from shaking with anger. Though he couldn't see Jayden's face through his helmet, he still tell that he was becoming sickly.

Also, Kevin finally realized that he did hear a scream as he ran to Terry. It must have been Jayden's.

Earlier, Antonio and Mike desperately wanted to help Jayden, but they were stuck with the magenta moogers. If they had ditched the moogers, they would target the brides.

But now, they had defeated those moogers and stood by Kevin.

"I think it's too late for the red ranger!" Arachnion laughed as Jayden weakened.

Though she was surrounded by the other 3 rangers, she was still convinced she had her victory.

"My tail remains stuck in my victim until they die from my poison." Arachnion laughed, knowing that the rangers could not save the red. "I won't tell you want happens if you kill me!"

"No way..." Mike was unable to mask his panic like the others. "How can we save him?"

"Don't worry about me..." Jayden coughed as he senselessly disregarded himself. "Kill her. Now."

"Either wa-" Arachnion's victory screeches were interrupted by a monstrous commotion that rumbled the floor like an earthquake.

All of a sudden, half of the silk cake was completely demolished, allowing the brides to escape with Terry.

"What? No!" Arachnion screamed as she watched the brides flood out of the cake.

Emily stood at the destroyed end of the cake, looking completely drained of all energy.

Suddenly, she demorphed and fainted.

But luckily, Mentor Ji was there to catch her and lay her down steadily before she landed on her previously dislocated arm.

"Mentor?!" Kevin and Mike exclaimed at the same time.

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