"Mia." Terry was happy to see her awake. "I missed you."
Mia was stunned by her surroundings but remained still and expressionless. The last thing she remembered was being tortured on Master Xandred's ship.
Come to think of it, she felt no pain. She slid her hand up to her chest and didn't feel the wounds Dayu gave her.
Was she dreaming or was it all a dream?
Mia panicked. She sat up and looked around frantically.
Terry was planning to tell Mia that he was going to leave the Shiba House, but quickly noticed something wrong. She woke up with a jump and scanned the room in paranoia. Mia even looked wary of him.
"Mia?" Terry placed his hand on Mia's shoulder. "Are you okay?"
"Terry!" Kevin rushed into Mia's room and yanked on the teen. "Come with me."
As Kevin dragged Terry out, Antonio entered the room.
"How are you feeling?" Antonio asked sitting on the side of the bed.
"I don't understand what's happening." Mia's voice was raw. She looked as if she was trembling.
"Everything's going to be okay. Please lay down." Antonio softly guided her as she laid back down.
"The nighlok captured you. We don't know where they took you. The others found you by a river." Antonio told her. "And from the looks of it... the nighlok had tortured you."
Mia's eyes widened. Everything she hoped was a nightmare had happened.
"Why is everything gone?" Mia referred to her injuries.
"We used a symbol to heal you." Antonio picked up on what she was asking.
"I'm here now?" She asked in genuine disbelief.
"Yes, we're in the Shiba House. And you're safe now." Antonio ensured her, looking straight into her eyes.
Mia burst into tears once she heard these words.
"Do you want me to hug you?" Antonio asked, hoping she would say yes.
Mia nodded and Antonio slipped under the covers with her.
Antonio wrapped his arms around Mia's shivering body gently. Mia pressed her head against his chest and clenched his shirt.
"I was so scared! I thought I was going to die every day!" Mia cried into Antonio's chest. "I was in so much pain that I didn't care!"
Antonio was disheartened by Mia's suffering. Her physical pain healed, but all of her mental scars remained.
What happened to Mia was a mystery to all of the rangers. And sooner or later, Mia was going to have to tell everyone what happened to her.
Antonio wanted to comfort her in some other way but didn't know what else he could do.
He could only avoid triggering her with any unauthorized movements. He refrained from patting her back, hugging her any tighter, and shifting his position.
On the other hand, Mia felt so relieved to be in Antonio's arms. She missed the feeling of warmth. She missed her bed and being in the company of others.
Over time, Mia's cries died down. The two laid still with their legs intertwined.
Antonio began to catch himself falling asleep but fought his drowsiness. He wanted to let Mia fall asleep first.
After crying, it was as if no emotion was left. Only emptiness. Mia was relieved before, but now empty and numb.
When she opened her eyes, Antonio's chest blocked her vision. So she decided to keep them closed.
With every breath, she picked up the woodsy scent of whatever soap Antonio used.
Yes, she felt numb. She had quickly gone from going from one extreme to another. From being whipped until she was unconscious to laying in Antonio's arms without any pain.
She didn't even feel human enough to be with Antonio.
But he was with her.
When Mia's breaths became relaxed and heavy, Antonio finally let himself fall asleep.
"Um... ow?!" Terry jerked his arm out of Kevin's grip. "The fuck was that for?"
"I have something important to tell you." Kevin lightly slapped his own head and took a deep breath. "I need you to sit down."
Terry noticed Kevin's seriousness and sat down.
"I don't know where to start..." Kevin gathered his thoughts. "A few days ago, when I told you that Mia went on a trip, I lied to you."
Kevin told Terry that Mia was captured. It was difficult to look into Terry's hurt and panicked face while telling him the truth.
Though he was more immature, Terry reminded Kevin of his father and his magical charisma. It was hard to see another kid embody one of the things he appreciated the most about his father.
Kevin began to wonder how much had he grown since the last time he saw his father.
Had he grown at all? Did he move backward?
Terry became anxious as Kevin was revealing what happened to Mia. Without noticing, Terry ended up on his feet, clenching Kevin's shirt nonthreateningly.
"She had many um injuries on her body. From that... it's safe to assume that she was... was tortured." Kevin fumbled over his words.
Terry's feet instantly carried him back to Mia's room, causing Kevin to chase him once again.
When Terry made it to Mia's door, he stopped in his tracks. Through his teary vision, Terry saw Mia sobbing in Antonio's arms. He decided to silently step back and shut the door.
"Terry, I'm so sorry." Kevin told the teen. "I probably should have told you the truth but I didn't want you to assume your sister's death before we had a chance to confirm anything. Also, her injuries have been healed by symbol power, so she's not in any physical pain. She has no scars."
"Thank goodness." Terry slid down the wall into a slump. He rubbed his eyes with his fists. "I think you made the right choice. I guess it was better off without me knowing. I'm just shocked..."
Terry got up and walked away. Kevin watched him go, understanding that he wanted to be alone.
Kevin began to tear up as well. He never cried simply because someone else was before.
Maybe he was growing.

On Fire (Power Rangers Samurai)
FanfictionAfter Ji leaves, the bonds between the rangers begin to burn. Their present and past traumas affect their relationships, however, they must pull together to save the world. WARNING: Sexual Themes. Violence. Blood. Reference to Abuse. Physical Tortur...