39 - Bouquets / Spirit

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Octoroo's heart was still pounding with the intensity of a base drum.

Master Xandred wreaked havoc and rocked the boat until he was too tired to stomp and growl.

He had thrown a tantrum since they had lost the pink ranger. Not to mention Dayu failed and got herself killed.

Before resigning to his room and returning to his rest, Xandred had a few bowls of soothing Sansu water.

"Oo ah oo..." Octoroo took a few deep breaths. "I thought I had seen Master Xandred at his angriest. I really need to summon a nighlok that can take out a ranger and please Master Xandred!"

Octoroo tapped his tentacles as he brainstormed.

"I've got it!" Octoroo clacked his staff on the wooden floor. "Splitface! Come on out! We need you!"

After Octoroo had called out to the ocean, Splitface eventually swam towards the boat and climbed aboard the ship.

After Octoroo had called out to the ocean, Splitface eventually swam towards the boat and climbed aboard the ship

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"Agh, why have I been summoned?" Splitface growled.

"This is not the time for growling! Your power is perfect for taking out the rangers!" Octoroo cried. "Forget about upsetting the humans! You need to get out there and take out as many rangers as you can!"

"Hmm, I wonder how the spirit of a ranger would taste." Splitface was excited by the thought.


Emily sat in front of her sister's grave, sorting daylilies and lavender into bouquets. Her wooden flute laid on her lap.

She didn't own black clothing so she wore one of Lauren's oversized hoodies and one of Mia's black mini skirts.

Mike stood at a far but close enough distance, watching her arrange the flowers.

He also wore one of Lauren's oversized hoodies since his closet was predominantly green. Emily insisted that they didn't need to wear formal clothing.

"Serena loved yellow, but just as much purple." Emily placed the bouquets of daylilies and lavender in front of her head stone. "Yellow and purple compliment each other. They're on opposite ends of the color wheel."

As Emily spoke, Mike listened intently. He wanted to be extra considerate of her, given her hardship and his past of being self centered.

He wanted to take every chance he could to prove to himself that he was selfless and mature.

After Emily was satisfied by the yellow and purple flowers, she brought her flute to her lips.

She pondered for a moment in reminiscence before a mellow and feathery tune escaped the hollow instrument. Her fingers delicately tickled the wooden flute, creating a complex but sweet sounding melody

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