"What?" Terry opened his eyes. He couldn't believe that he fell asleep, nor could he recall what he was doing prior.
He saw all the brides huddled in a corner, shivering in fear.
Terry rubbed his eyes. He didn't understand their behavior until he turned his head and saw Arachnion.
Arachnion's black, brown, and red features were more clear in the bright white setting of the silk wedding cake.
She looked like a mix between a spider and scorpion, with 8 eyes and limbs. Also a long tail with a venomous stinger hanging over her head.
Arachnion was holding Zarah, the bride who was having a miscarriage.
"You are brimming with pain and misery." Arachnion smirked at her selection.
Terry's hand hovered over the pouch with the samuraizer in his dress. Would it be smart to morph into the pink ranger?
He was only to use the samuraizer for self defense. If he suddenly morphed, Arachnion's new objective would be to kill him.
So Terry shouldn't do it.
Arachnion created a crevice on the wall of the cake by slashing it with her tail. She then opened a portal to the other world with her glowing eyes.
"You can't do this again!" Tiana, the kind and elder bride, tried to grab Zarah out of Arachnion's grip.
Tiana had already witnessed other brides being tossed through the portal and dying in the other world's brutal environment. She couldn't handle it anymore.
But Arachnion had no patience and extended her multiple limbs towards Tiana.
Terry quickly got onto his feet and screamed, "Get back!"
But it was too late for Tiana as Arachnion grabbed her, crushing her. The sound of her screams and bones shattering was profoundly disturbing.
All of the hostages were utterly horrified.
"Look away!" "Close your eyes!" The brides protected each other.
Nothing could be done as Tiana was chucked through the portal.
Her body immediately engulfed in flames. Her screams continued to pierce everyone's ears until her throat was burnt out.
Tiana was no more, but a new nighlok was born, emerging from the flames.
"Beautiful." Arachnion was astonished by the nighlok Tiana has become. "The first new nighlok."
As the newborn nighlok made it's way to the Sansu River, Arachnion threw Zarah into the other world as well.
Terry's mouth dropped as he watched another person's life being discarded so easily.
Zarah began to turn into a nighlok. But rather than burning like Tiana, her skin bubbled as if the blood underneath was boiling.
Terry became blinded by his emotions.
"That's enough!" Terry diverted the nighlok's attention to him. "Samuraizer! Go go samurai!"
He knew his decision wasn't smart and completely emotion driven. But he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he let more people get thrown away.
What Terry planned to do was to stall as much as he could. Stall until the rangers came. He just had to trust that they'd come.
"The pink ranger? Where's your skirt?" Arachnion became wary of the unfamiliar pink ranger before her. "You're not the real pink ranger. Who exactly are you?"
Terry noticed that Arachnion's uncertainty made her hostile towards him. Maybe Terry could bluff his strength?
"Huh... the pink ranger would make a great nighlok... a nighlok with wind powers." Arachnion chattered. "if I MADE YOU a nighlok.. dayu would LOVE me in her DEATH!"
The nighlok shot open her 8 eye glowing eyes. She expanded her limbs which revealed her insane wingspan with disturbing crackling sounds.
Terry shivered in his pink boots. But he reminded himself; as long as he stood there, the nighlok wasn't throwing brides into the other world.
Terry took a deep breath and summoned the sky fan with a symbol.
Suddenly, Terry felt overwhelmingly sorry for his sister.
"This is the location!" Kevin called out to the other rangers, pointing at a large, creepy cabin.
"Ew..." The place reminded Mike of where he was taken when he was kidnapped by Amarex a long time ago.
Kevin peered inside, while the others grouped by him. "It's pitch black in there. We have no choice but to charge in."
"I'll break down the wall with my hydro bow to let in some light. Mike and Antonio, both of you charge in." Kevin instructed them.
"Em and I will focus on finding the brides." Jayden added.
Emily and Jayden still weren't as mobile as the others due to their injuries. It was only natural that they avoided combat as much as possible.
"Let's go."
The rangers all backed away from the cabin as Kevin destroyed the front wall with his hydro bow.
Immediately, Mike and Antonio rushed inside, only to find emptiness.
"That's impossible! This is Terry's location." Antonio scanned the empty cabin.
"Um guys." Emily pointed to a large wedding cake that was way off in the corner. When she poked it, her hand went through.
"The brides must be in there." Jayden said. "Also the nighlok must be in there too."
"Let's go in." Jayden ordered the other rangers. "Emily, stay out here and see if you can break this thing down."

On Fire (Power Rangers Samurai)
FanfictionAfter Ji leaves, the bonds between the rangers begin to burn. Their present and past traumas affect their relationships, however, they must pull together to save the world. WARNING: Sexual Themes. Violence. Blood. Reference to Abuse. Physical Tortur...