"What the..." Antonio's jaw was on the floor once he reached the surface and witnessed the bloody battlefield.
The scattered mess of bodies, broken weapons, and clothing shreds stretched down the path from the monk's temple to the exit.
The stench of blood, sweat, and metal was still fresh in the air.
Who could've possibly been behind this? And who won? Everything was unclear.
Antonio shook his head, attempting to refocus himself on the task at hand. He needed to get Jayden and himself as far away from Ito as possible.
He jogged towards the exit until he spotted two familiar figures; Mike and Emily.
The two of them were unconscious and bloody, but seemed peaceful, Mike holding onto Emily gently.
Antonio couldn't put together what happened. He considered that Mike and Emily (who was in a sickly state) defeated the large amount of black clad, but refuted it, believing that it couldn't be possible.
Knowing he couldn't abandon the two while they were vulnerable, he set Jayden down next to Mike and Emily.
Then, he finally grabbed a sword off the floor and began to cut the ropes around Jayden.
Ito's finger pointed straight at Mia's pink helmet, telling the black clad what their mission was.
As the black clad began to approach her, she got into her stance.
At this point, Mia knew she couldn't waste any time.
Her symbol power was running low and she wasn't in a good physical state. The pain in her ribs was overwhelming, as if her entire abdomen was melting.
It was becoming harder to focus, but she needed to center herself before it was too late.
"Alright..." Mia put the light zord's disc on her sky fan.
"I'll have to kill them..." Mia told herself, focusing all of her symbol power into her next and final attack.
"They're trying to kill me, so I'll have to kill them..." Mia reasoned with herself once again, mustering the courage to end a life. "Anything to protect me and my friends..."
When she span the disc, the power symbol of the light zord combined with her wind symbol glowed before her.
Power surged through her sky fan as she sent a strong gust of slashes, which were infused with light.
The black clad were mowed down by the attack, leaving them on the floor, motionless and defeated.
On the other hand, Ito dashed away from the attack, moving out of Mia's line of fire and out of her sight.
Mia's attempt to get an instant KO was comical to Ito. His pride flourished, knowing that Mia put a lot of strength into it.
But his ego deflated when Mia's ultimate attack tailed him. Light and wind stretched over him before he could blink again.
He let out a great shriek as 2 more slices of light and wind followed the first one.
After the light died down, Mia immediately demorphed. Her body felt weak and heavy.
From her angle, all Mia could see were the bodies of the black clad and a splatter of blood from where Ito was.
There was complete silence. And complete stillness, accept for the blood flowing like waterways.
Mia couldn't believe herself.
Did she just kill all of these people?
A wave of dizziness suddenly hit her.
Mia kneeled on the floor, looking at her own hands. They trembled and trembled and she couldn't make them stop.
Her breathing was rushed. She felt as if she was exhaling more than she was inhaling and panicked even more.
She needed to confirm that Ito was down, but she couldn't even see clearly ahead of her.
"Mia!" Antonio kneeled by her. "Are you hurt?"
Mia couldn't reply.
Antonio noticed her shaking, then saw the bodies on the floor.
His heart sank, knowing how awful Mia must've felt.
"It's really cold outside. It sucks that we're caught up in all of this fighting." Antonio wrapped his sweater around her. He had already given his jacket to Jayden and was down to his last layer.
He then picked her up and began to race towards the spot her left the 3 other rangers.
It was a great risk to leave them alone while they were all so vulnerable. But when he heard screams from underground, he didn't feel right not checking on Mia.
"I don't know how we're going to get out of here. Could you symbol summon a helicopter or something?" Antonio joked, but he truly was concerned.
He was the last ranger standing, and he wasn't even a ranger without his DIY samuraizer.
"O-kay..." Antonio set Mia down by the 3 other rangers, and kneeled by her. He let her cry on his shoulder until she calmed down more.
"Should we try to hide?" Mia asked, still sniffling and hands shaking.
"I don't think we'd be able to take them far." Antonio worried about handling the other rangers.
"Could you phone Daisuke on your samuraizer? I'll do the talking." Antonio offered.
As Mia reached for her samuraizer, there was a distant clanging sound that made them uneasy.
As they looked towards the sound, their hearts dropped.
Ito's torn body was barely standing upright, yet, had picked a sword off the floor.
There were two graphically deep wound across his chest, allowing you to peep at some bone or organ-ish structure.
Ito struggled so hard to breathe that every breath was a slow and ragged heave, pushing his body up and down.
His face was completely disorganized, with eyes were rolled back and his tongue hanging out. He could definitely pass as a zombie.
Though they were absolutely horrified by what they saw, Antonio and Mia stood up and prepared to defend their friends. But just as Mia got up, she fell to her knees.
"You used up too much energy. Let me." Antonio insisted, picking a sword off the floor.

On Fire (Power Rangers Samurai)
FanficAfter Ji leaves, the bonds between the rangers begin to burn. Their present and past traumas affect their relationships, however, they must pull together to save the world. WARNING: Sexual Themes. Violence. Blood. Reference to Abuse. Physical Tortur...