30 - Adrenaline / Death 🔺

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"Rangers, take these moogers and Exterrex down! I'll chase Dayu!" Jayden followed Dayu upstream.

Dayu ran into a cave, where she laid Mia's unconscious body. Her new and old wounds were freshly wrapped up. She was once again in a new white dress stolen by Dayu.

"This was all a mistake. I should've killed you the first chance I had!" Without hesitation Dayu raised her harmonium over Mia in preparation to behead her. "Goodbye!"

She swung her sword down. The blade hovered over Mia's neck as Jayden thwacked the nighlok with his fire smasher.

Adrenaline had coursed through his blood and put the lightning in his feet. He was sweating and breathing heavily as he almost witnessed Mia's death right before his eyes.

"You fucking pesky ranger!" Dayu charged at Jayden with a death grip on her harmonium. As Dayu slashed forward, Jayden blocked with his fiery red zanbato.

Dayu stayed on the offense, which forced Jayden to keep using his zanbato as a shield.

The drawback from Jayden's fire smasher was that it was extremely large and heavy. Jayden had to train a lot in order to be able to bear it.

Due to the zanbato's heaviness, it made Jayden move slower. And so, Dayu eventually landed a hit on Jayden.

Dayu wounded Jayden's chest, a popular spot for his injuries.

"The fresh scent of blood." Dayu hissed under her breath as she flicked the blood off of her harmonium.

Jayden swung his zanbato, causing it to engulf in flames and light the cave brighter than the daylight.

He swung at Dayu, only for her to dodge it and wound his right leg.

Jayden took a knee, only to be thwacked in the head by the flat part side of Dayu's harmonium; Dayu's thwacking revenge.

Jayden de-morphed and fell to the ground. It was as if something had been knocked out of him. His vision and hearing became cloudy and the world was spinning.

"You'll be a witness to her final breath." Dayu laughed as she turned her back on Jayden.

"No!" Jayden screamed as Dayu once again lifted her sword over Mia. He desperately began to claw his way towards Dayu, but was barely making any progress.

    He wasn't going to make it.

A part of Jayden wanted to look away or shut his eyes, but that would mean accepting Mia's death. And so, Jayden kept pushing forward no matter how pathetic his attempt was.

Jayden screamed Mia's name at the top of his lungs as Dayu lowered her blade onto Mia.

A great splatter of blood reached fat ends of the cave. A couple of little droplets landed on Jayden.

Jayden couldn't believe his eyes.

    He assumed Dayu hit him really hard because what was before him didn't make sense.

A slim, helmeted figure appeared and the chains of a kusarigama were flying in the air.

Kusarigama / Night Chain

    "Shit!" Dayu held her wound as blood spilled onto the floor

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"Shit!" Dayu held her wound as blood spilled onto the floor. Her harmonium was knocked away from her.

"Lauren." Jayden took a breath of relief, and allowed himself to slip out of consciousness.

    The splattered blood wasn't Mia's, it was Dayu's.

"Well!" Dayu faced the ranger that was behind her. "The black ranger finally decides to show up! Where have you been hiding these past centuries, huh?"

"Shut up." The black ranger spoke plainly and maneuvered her night chain in circles before swinging towards Dayu.

As Lauren tried to hit the nighlok with her night chain's blade, Dayu blocked with her wrists.

The nighlok began to realize that she was in danger of cracking as she began to dry up.

This left Dayu open to Lauren's next attack. The chain on Lauren's kusarigama elongated, allowing her to wrap it around Dayu.

Lauren swept Dayu off her feet with the tug of her chain.

Dayu bellowed as Lauren pierced her chest with her kusarigama. She ripped the nighlok's body open by dragging her blade across her chest.

Dayu's body began to turn gray and harden like cement. Her body quickly cracked and crumbled.

"Free from my misery..." Dayu whispered through her blue lips before she collapsed into dust.

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